night before Halloween

Peter A. McGraw pmcgraw at LINFIELD.EDU
Sat Nov 2 00:20:20 UTC 2002

I'd forgotten about Beggars' Night from our years in Yellow Springs (SW
Ohio) until it emerged on this thread.  My wife and I both recall that it
was movable if it didn't fall on a Friday or Saturday--so sometimes it fell
on Oct. 31, sometimes not.  That may well have been a strictly local custom.

Peter Mc.

--On Friday, November 1, 2002 5:21 PM -0500 Beverly Flanigan
<flanigan at OHIOU.EDU> wrote:

> Oops--I misreplied on Beggars' Night; it's on Hallowe'en, not the eve
> before, and is the term used for what little kids do door to door.  If
> there's a different Mischief Night here I'm not aware of it--but I'll ask
> around.

                               Peter A. McGraw
                   Linfield College   *   McMinnville, OR
                            pmcgraw at

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