Being Googled translation at BILLIONBRIDGES.COM
Mon Nov 4 20:20:03 UTC 2002

> To answer the question as to why it isn't "yahoo" a date,
> the answer is simply that Google absorbed ""
> which indexed usenet newsgroups.

I would suggest that the reason people don't say "to yahoo
someone" is because Google has been the best free search
engine available for a while now. (indeed, translators use it
as a virtual dictionary to check terms bilingually for prevalence
of usage--no other search engine returns as many hits).

Furthermore, not only do savvy internet users know that Yahoo
functions more as a directory than a search engine per se, but my
impression is that Yahoo is considered so, well, 20th Century!

Don Rogalski and Toni Kuo
"A Billion Bridges"
Chinese<>English Translation Services
Tel: 905-308-9389
Fax: 801-881-0914 (24 hrs)
Email: translation at

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