Pepperpot (1791)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun Nov 17 20:55:15 UTC 2002

   See the latest DARE for "pepperpot" (1794).  This is from the American Periodical Series online.  It is NOT "Philadelphia pepperpot." (I doubt I'll have time for that tomorrow in Temple).  The citation is a mess to read, but it's what they have.  Notice that "toad in a hole" appears as "toad in hell."
   In answer to Gerald Cohen, all of the early APS "shysters" are not that at all.  What comes up is just early APS garbage.

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Picture of Jamaica
The Massachusetts Magazine; or, Monthly Museum. Containing the Literature, History, Politics, Arts, Manners & Amusements of the Age (1790-1796); Boston; Feb 1791; Anonymous;

Volume:  3
Issue:  2
Start Page:  79
Full Text:
Copyright American Periodical Series I Feb 1791

Theatrical Anecdote-.- O/r Tamales. 79

His fidelity to his friends, Lois tender

his , his love for Lois country, his patience,: his courage, hall be the constant theme of our conversations, and tlie object of our . We will never forget his we will ends to , and leave them an precedents to those unto forgive Its. The words of I, moved hearts ofthe Athenians who only replied by acclamations. That volatile people, to Thorn it was only

to point out the path of , to engage them to purple it, heaped praises on Pl,, and conducted house with every (tration of jolt. observed his pro-life; he quarried arid blade leer happy; hc no expense on the education of the daughter of ; and when the had: attained leer sixteenth year, he alligned her a portion, and left her at liberty in the choice of ;' Band.


WHEN was manager at Ed. , he was determined to

improve upon thunder, and fo having, proctored a parcel of nine pound [hot,: they pelt into a wheel barrow, to Chicle he affixed as octagon wheel. This done, ridges were placed at the back of the Rage, and one of flue C; was ordered to trundle this wheelbarrow, fo filled, backwards and forwards ridges.The play was Lear, and really in the two first efforts the thunder had a good enact. At length, as the kin,, was .r the pelting of the: dorm, foot nipped, and don n he came wheel barrow and all. glue

A N E C D O T A,.

liege being on a declivity, the balls node their way towards the r a, and meeting with but a feeble re( froth flee Scene, laid it flat 'upon its face. This Form was more for Lear to - the one he had before of. The balls taking every direction, lie was obliged to about to avoid them like man who dances else egg lore tripe. 'the fiddlers, in alarm for their cat gut, hurried oust of talc , arid to crown this Scene of glorious , flee ling tenderer lay prof bate in the Alit of the audience, like another .

P I (I T IT R F of

A M I C A.

[By a Wit, who at Part And l 1 JAMAICA is the dunghill of the J universe; the Vole creation; tile clippings of the ; a pile of , jumbled into an emblem of chaos; neglected by omnipotence `` hen he formed the world in its admirable order; tile nursery of heaven's judgements, where the malignant feeds of (. were first gathered Scattered the regions of the earth, to punitive mankind for their of fences; the place where Pandora filled her box-where Vulcan fired Jove's thunderbolt; and that Phaa?ton, by his misguidance of the Em, Scorched into a cinder; the receptacle of vagabonds-and the of banI; sickly as an hospital, as dangerous as the plague-as hot as . -as w--as its monarch:

. . .

S` to tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes, as if flee island, like people, were troubled with the dry .

The chief of provisions is flea turtle, or toad in a (hell, Heaved , its own gravy: Its lean is as as a green girl; its fat of a dif; colour; and is excellent to } ut a a flux; and rge out part of ill liquors it

bly creates. The belly is called , back , and it is Served up to the table In its own , of platter. Alley have Guam nas, , and crabs; the firR be

ihD an animal, nipped like a lizard, but lilacs and larger; cond, a land tortoise, Chicle needs no , being as numerous as frogs In otiose parts, and last row in Bill

! ground

[ of Jamaica.

like rabbits; fo that the whole itl.nd may justly be called a crab warren: They arc fatted near the , where they will make st of a corpse in as little time as a tanner will Hay a Chit; or a hound devour a of mutton after 1. They shave beef without fat, lean mutton without gravy; and fools as tender as the udder at an old and as juicy as a from tile haunches of a cart horle. Milk is fo plenty that you may bury it pence a quart; but cream ho very { that a firkin of bitter, of their own making, should be no coldly a Jewel, that the richell nian in the ifland world be `'nable to purchase it. They valise themselves greatly upon the of their pork, which indeed is luscious, but as flabby as the at one jutI ripen from a diarrhea, and to be forbidden as in all hot countries, and among the Jews, for the prevention of the .

There is very little veal, and that lean; for in England you may nurse four children much cheaper, than you can one calf in Jamaica. They have coarse teal, alveoli as big es ducks, and ducks as big as geese: But as for their geese they are all Fijians, for never few one in the inand

There are sundry forts of fith, with omit scales, and of a serpentine complexion. eat as dry as [had, and touch ( than pale herrings, or old ring, with oiled glitter to the Sauce as rank as grease, improv. hell with the palatable relish of a stink

sing anchovy.

They make a rare , they call a pepperpot. It is all excellent breakfast for a salamander, or a good preparative for a agent, ulna, eats fire one that he may "et better vitals :the next. Three ho inflamed my mouth, that? had I devoured a : peek of horde radish, and drank after it a gallon of , and gunpowder, Dives like, I not have been more importunate for

of seater to cool my tongue.

They ,, in a fright called a Cole, not unlike an apt.1 but longer: It is (oft and very juicy, blat fo great an acid, and of a

nature do , that by erotic one, it drew lily like millers , and made my palate din rough): and as {ore, as if I had been gargling nay mouth with ,:

Of water alla they have plenty. The former is of as cold a quality as a ; and: wail dissolve in your month like: a. hot frying pal); an(l is as tothe eater, and I believe as ,: as a call of rock water to a man in a hectic fever. The latter are I arge and luscious, but too much watry, to be. good.

Cocoa nuts and nuts are hi great anions the The former they reckon meat, drink; and cloth; t the eatable part is fe. chore by fo a magazine, requires a :y well armed with axe and , to lied ape, fuge to the kernel; and when he 1 done it will not r his . latter is as big as a filbert; like a beautiful woman, wel I and infectious; if Yost venture totally it is of ill consequences Their is black and japanned by nature,. needing art; the kernel white -: to the palate, bitt-of 'oh powerful operation, that by take ing two, my bowels were swept as clean as ever man a vault, or any of the black fraternity, a chimney.

They leave oranges, lemons, limes, and federal oilier fruits, as [ end crabbed as themselves, not given Hem at a blotting, but a i for eating fo many four things, generates a corroding Lime in the bowels; and is one great ;On of that fatal

erable distemper, dry ,; which in a fort piglet, or three weeks, takes assay life of fo that these are forced to be led about by Negroes. A man , nder theist may be Mid to be the Escutcheon of Else , complexion of the patient being the field, bearing, or, with the emblems of , pros per : by two , fables; and the . Man! other fruits here are, Chicle are worth eating, naming, nor :de. Scribing; ),ich are never tared but in , and Pliers in a A DISSERTATION

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