kajigaedu-oh-itda / kajigaedutta

Drew Danielson andrew.danielson at CMU.EDU
Mon Nov 18 14:48:58 UTC 2002


Though the ethnically homogeneous South and North Koreans share the same
language, there are various differences in pronunciation across the
Korean peninsula.

The phrase used in the announcement is unclear. "Kajigaedu-oh-itda",
which means 'entitled to have' sounds very similar to "kajigaedutta",
which means to 'already possess.'

Officials say they are also wary because it is not the way North Korea
usually makes such important statements.


DREW DANIELSON . <andrew.danielson at cmu.edu> . http://pcdrew.ece.cmu.edu/
Clear writers assume, with a pessimism born of experience, that whatever
isn't plainly stated the reader will invariably misconstrue.
                                                      -- John R. Trimble

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