Ever say "Hi?"
Sat Aug 2 13:59:39 UTC 2003
Nearly everyone I know uses _hi_ meaning "hello". But now that you ask
for reflection, I checked the OED/OEDs. This usage arose in the middle
of the 19th century or perhaps earlier (Eh, Barry?). It's e.q.
(earliest quote) in OEDs is 1862. It's labeled "colloq." and "chiefly
N. Amer." I agree, except that there are some constraints between
people of different stations. For instance, students are more inclined
to use it with teachers than the other way around. People who are
upset may use hello in preference to hi as a marker to "keep your
distance. I'm upset." I wonder if there is a left coast vs. right
coast preference for one or the other. Or maybe it's urban / rural.
barnhart at highlands.com
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