use(d) to

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Aug 13 18:55:04 UTC 2003

At 11:34 AM -0700 8/13/03, Arnold Zwicky wrote:
>larry horn suggested here that the problem with the supportive "do"
>examples *in writing* (they're fine in speech) is that neither
>spelling - "use to" or "used to" - seems right.  i'm perfectly happy
>with the "used" spelling, though.  CGEL has the "use" spelling, but
>notes that "used" is sometimes found in these contexts.

Note that I'm referring specifically to "used to" in do-supported
negative (and interrogative) contexts, as I assume A. Murie was in
her earlier posting.  Thus "I used to love her, but it's all over
now" is just fine, while "I didn't use(d) to love her" is impossible
(or at best very, very awkward) for me on either spelling.  Similarly
for "Did(n't) you use(d) to live in Columbus?"  For Arnold, "I didn't
used to" and "Did you used to" seem OK.  Grapholectal split, I guess.


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