NetGen, nominal, and other jargon

James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Wed Feb 26 00:51:23 UTC 2003

In a message dated 02/25/2003 7:30:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,
dave at WILTON.NET writes:

> "Broadband" seems to be pretty universal.

My mistake.  I had forgotten all those ads I get asking me to sign up for
broadband ISP connections.  I've been using the term for 20 years, long
before the term reached the general public.

>"Telco" is pretty common business jargon.

I am used to it as communication enginner's jargon (I pass myself off as a
commo engineer every now and then).  You may be right about it being common
in business.  But I don't think it's reached popular usage yet, despite
sometimes showing up as a label on the RJ-11 jacks on the back of your

                        - Jim Landau

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