Snail Salad, Pepper Biscuits, Rabe...

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Mon Jan 27 16:56:05 UTC 2003

>larry writes:
>P.S.  Is "pungent" the right adjective?  For me, broccoli rabe is
>bitter (which isn't a pejorative) but not pungent.
>Coriander/cilantro is pungent (which isn't a pejorative either).
Raab, since I found it in a seed catalog  8 or 10 yars ago, has been  the
favorite summer veg in our garden. It is less sweet than standard broccoli,
and much more flavorful.  It is somewhat bitter, but it is a rich
bitterness, much more satisfying than bland broccoli.  It also has the
advantage of being not as palatable to the cabbage butterfly, the larvae of
which will skeletalize broccoli in a matter of days while barely touching
A. Murie

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