PSAT Glitch

David Colburn colburn at PEOPLEPC.COM
Wed May 14 18:03:35 UTC 2003

>         Any thoughts?
My only thought is that this is what happens when people follow arbitrary
grammatical rules without trusting their ears or their common sense. Is
there any good reason why a noun which is part of a possessive shouldn't be
used as an antecedent later in the same sentence? "John's wandering eye
often gets him in trouble with his wife," for example, or "Keegan's respect
for an outdated rule led him astray in the PSAT incident." These both seem
fine to me, but perhaps others disagree.  I think Keegan's only plausible
argument is that some of the kids taking the test might have been taught
this (silly, in my opinion) grammatical rule, and should not then be
punished for it ini the scoring. Hard to disagree with that...

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