Porchclimber or Porch climber (1883)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
Bapopik at AOL.COM
Fri Apr 2 12:21:30 UTC 2004
CASSELL DICTIONARY OF SLANG has "1900s-1920s US" for "porch climber," meaning
"a burglar."
When the New York "Yankees" came to New York in 1903, the team went by
many names, such as the Highlanders (they played in a high point of Manhattan),
Hilltoppers, Kilties, Invaders, Burglars, Porch-Climbers, Americans, and
Greater New Yorks. The team was named "Yankees" by William Randolph Hearst's NEW
YORK EVENING JOURNAL on April 7, 1904. I sent this to the NEW YORK TIMES and to
amNEW YORK, but I guess they don't publish anything on the Yankees. The
Yankees, of course, couldn't be bothered to reply.
Off to my room in the Bronx with no air, in the building with no fire
exits, doing menial work for ten hours!
Daily Northwestern - 11/13/1900
...April the Potter residence was entered by PORCHCLIMBERS, who secured in
diamonds and..
Oshkosh, Wisconsin Tuesday, November 13, 1900 808 k
Coshocton Age - 12/19/1902
...for by the Cincinnati board of legislation. PORCHCLIMBERS Hold Carnical.
[By Telegraph to..
Coshocton, Ohio Friday, December 19, 1902 758 k
Daily Herald - 2/28/1901
...advise the loving couple to look out for PORCHCLIMBERS. Notwithstanding
the vast..
Delphos, Ohio Thursday, February 28, 1901 956 k
Hamilton Daily Republican - 7/27/1892
...on South Miami street, was visited by PORCHCLIMBERS, who attempted to
effect an..
Hamilton, Ohio Wednesday, July 27, 1892 917 k
Stevens Point Daily Journal - 11/15/1895
...to be Clarence White, one of the gang of PORCH CLIMBERS who larft spring
robbed the..
Stevens Point, Wisconsin Friday, November 15, 1895 595 k
Centralia Enterprise And Tribune - 11/9/1895
...say the work was that of professional PORCH CLIMBERS. WATER GETTING LOW.
Centralia, Wisconsin Saturday, November 09, 1895 1005 k
Stevens Point Journal - 4/13/1895
...Chicago Hiii-glars We'l. CHICAGO, April 8. PORCH CLIMBERS entered two
Prairie avenue..
Stevens Point, Wisconsin Saturday, April 13, 1895 1046 k
Centralia Enterprise And Tribune - 11/16/1895
...say the work was that of professional PORCH CLIMBERS. WATER GETTING LOW.
Neenah and..
Centralia, Wisconsin Saturday, November 16, 1895 1061 k
Middletown Daily Argus - 11/16/1895
...TO be Clarence White, one of the gajijf of PORCH CLIMBERS who last spring
robbi.-'l tho..
Middletown, New York Saturday, November 16, 1895 790 k
Evening News - 6/22/1891
...citizens to keep a look out this week for PORCH CLIMBERS and sneak
thieves. A solid..
Mansfield, Ohio Monday, June 22, 1891 715 k
Olean Democrat - 1/15/1884
...consider themselves several degrees above 'PORCH-CLIMBERS' who rob
dwelling houses, and.....when he wf a quarter of a oiuid meets a PORCH-climber, and
in fact they peed in >v..
Olean, New York Tuesday, January 15, 1884 900 k
Fort Wayne Gazette - 8/12/1894
...witii being an accomplished cracksman, a PORCH-CLIMBER burglar, letler-box
Fort Wayne, Indiana Sunday, August 12, 1894 904 k
Daily Nevada State Journal - 5/15/1892
...The Hyde police save captured a daring and PORCH CLIMBER To hi i by the
police the..
Reno, Nevada Sunday, May 15, 1892 530 k
Decatur Daily Republican - 12/3/1892
...Bnmo Priilin, a daring sneak tliiei1 and PORCH CLIMBER. To him are
attributed by the.....of the meal marred by the fear that a "CLIMBER" was probably
pillaging the upper..
Decatur, Illinois Saturday, December 03, 1892 279 k
Stevens Point Journal - 11/24/1883
...breaker is an aristocrat when he nicols ;i PORCH-CLIMBER, aud in fact they
strive to..
Stevens Point, Wisconsin Saturday, November 24, 1883 990 k
Stevens Point Journal - 11/24/1883
...of the stairs, "them's a man up "Who is "A PORCH-CLIMBER.1' "What does he
"He's after..
Stevens Point, Wisconsin Saturday, November 24, 1883 979 k
Olean Democrat - 1/15/1884
...when he wf a quarter of a oiuid meets a PORCH-CLIMBER, and in fact they
peed in >v.....consider themselves several degrees above 'PORCH-CLIMBERs' who
rob dwelling houses, and..
Olean, New York Tuesday, January 15, 1884 900 k
Perry Pilot - 11/14/1883
...stairs, "there's a man up here." "Who is "A PORCHCLIMBER." "What does he
"He's after your..
Perry, Iowa Wednesday, November 14, 1883 557 k
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