Alligator sauce piquant(e); Frisee (1877)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Mon Apr 5 03:35:12 UTC 2004


In a message dated 4/4/2004 9:41:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, rkmck at EARTHLINK.NET writes:

> ...  "Alligator sauce" is not in the OED, but then you knew that.  ...
> >"I think they'll love the sauce piquant," said Roy Johnson, director
> >of international marketing for the LDAF.
> It's the piquant sauce to go with alligator - not alligator
> sauce.
> Rima

   Yes, but "alligator sauce" was the search term.
   There are over 330 FACTIVA hits.  It's developed into a major part of Louisiana's cuisine.


FRISEE--17,900 Google hits, 916 Google Groups hits
FRISEE SALAD--1,930 Google hits, 66 Google Groups hits

   Several New York restaurants offer a "frisee salad."  OED has only one 1996 citation for "frisee" and no entry.  Miserable on food.  Miserable!!
   There are 450 FACTIVA hits for "frisee salad," all from only about 1990...The 1877 APS Online article is a treat.

Main Entry: fri·sée     Pronunciation Guide
Variant(s): also fri·sé  \fr-z\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, short for chicorée frisée curly chicory
Date: 1982
: curly leaves of endive (sense 1) that have finely dissected edges and are used in salads -- called also curly endive, frisée lettuce

   1. Table Hopping in Hollywood; A selection of the movie businesse's favorite restaurants for deal making and scene stealing Hollywood
By BRYAN MILLER. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Mar 17, 1985. p. XX15 (2 pages)

   2. The Earlier The Better for Gourmet Greens
By ROGER A. KLINE. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Feb 23, 1986. p. H36 (1 page)

BY LINDA WELLS. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Dec 3, 1989. p. SM115 (2 pages)

   4. Dishes That Would Whet the Appetite of a Chieftain
New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Mar 14, 1990. p. C1 (2 pages)

   5. A Glossary of Greens
New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Apr 11, 1990. p. C9 (1 page)

(PROQUEST HISTORICAL NEWSPAPERS)(28 New York Times hits for "frisee salad")
   1. Dishes That Would Whet the Appetite of a Chieftain
New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Mar 14, 1990. p. C1 (2 pages)
Second page:  Frisee Salad With Fish and Chips (Salmon and seaweed)

   2. Wining, Dining and Stargazing; Wining and Dining in the Neighborhood
By BRYAN MILLER. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Apr 27, 1990. p. C1 (2 pages)
Second page:  The rough-textured, gamy terrine is a good starter, as is the frisee salad with bacon and a poached egg.

   3. Dining on home-style food at the kitchen away from kitchen of a group of New York chefs.
Marian Burros. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 23, 1990. p. C22 (1 page):
   An interesting assortment of greens is dressed nicely with a balsamic vinaigrette, and the warm frisee salad, while not warm, works with a Caesar dressing.

Paris and Environs / French Cuisine: A Costly, Hit-or-Miss Experience
1,691 words
6 August 1989
The San Francisco Chronicle
(Copyright 1989)
The menu, however, is a mere shadow of its former self, offering the usual Brasserie Flo, Julien, Vaudeville, frisee salad with lardons, tough grilled steaks and La Coupole's old choucroute garni.

Gourmets' gathering has a Chicago flavor
Neil Steinberg
424 words
2 November 1989
Chicago Sun-Times
(Copyright 1989)

The stockyards are long gone, but Chicago's reputation as a meat-and-potatoes town still lingers. So it was with some pride that local eateries welcomed the nation's gourmet food industry to town Wednesday night.

The occasion was the 7th International Conference on Gastronomy, organized by the American Institute of Wine & Food. Running through Saturday, the conference attracted 600 chefs, vintners, food authors, health experts, producers and retailers. Among the notables: Julia Child and vintner Robert Mondavi.

"It's very prestigious for this region to host, rather than the two coasts," said restaurant tycoon Rich Melman, holding court near a display from his Scoozi restaurant.

It began Wednesday with a reception, "A Salute to the Leading Chefs and Foods of the Midwest," by two dozen Chicago area restaurants strutting their stuff and sharing their secrets.

Jeff Jackson, chef at La Tour, stood over free-range turkeys cooked in clay and explained, "The clay shell seals in the moisture and seasoning."

"Simplify and make it good," said David Jarvis, chef at Melange in Wilmette, handing out bite-size portions of his frisee salad with maytag blue cheese, granny apples and walnuts.

   Article 9 -- No Title
A Journal of Outdoor Life, Travel, Nature Study, Shooting, Fishing, Yachting (1873-1930). Mar 8, 1877. Vol. Volume 8,, Iss. Number 5.; p. 66 (1 page):
    THE LONDON "WORLD" ON SALADS.--Of the inifinite variety of salads which can be made from wild plants--the Salad Burnet, the Ladies' Smock, the Stonecrop, the Sea Blindweed, the Sweet Cicely, the Buckshorn Plantain, and the Ox-eye Daisy--our people know next to nothing, and allow quantities of excellent food to be wasted on cattle.  The Dandelion, which is a favorite salad in France, and a herb renowned for its virtue, we should be hald ashamed to see on out tables.  Nothing will do for us but the most highly cultivated kinds.  First of all there is the Lettuce, which is of two sorts--the Cabbage Lettuce, known in France as the Laitue pommee, and the Cos Lettuce, which the French term the Laitue romaine.  Of course--and there are endless varieties of either--we seem in England to prefer the latter with its long leaves, because it can be eaten by itself, while the French probably care more for the former.  Then comes the Endive, in three classes--first, the broad-eared or Batavia Endive, which the French call Scariole--a prime favorite; next the Curly-leaved Endive, which the French call sometimes Chicoree and sometimes Laitue frisee; lastly, the wild Endive or Succory (Succory being but the old English word for Chicory), which is called by the French Barbe de Capucin.  Perhaps next in order of rank deserves to be mentioned the Celery--but we only use the bare stalk, whereas the French put the whole plant into the salad bowl, from the root at one end to the leafage at the other.  Even better is the Celeriac--that is a Celery with Turnip-like root, The Celeri-rave of the French and the Knott-sellerie of the Germans.  The latter are especially fond of it, and go into ecstacies when they talk of it.  In England although it may be cultivated with greater ease and at less expense than the common Celery, it is slighted, though, served up with a dish of Red Cabbage, it is particularly alluring.  Then there is the Tomato salad; but for that matter Tomatoes are plentiful enough, and ought to be in everybody's reach.  Th
e wonder is how anyone who knows what a superb things is a salad of raw Tomatoes can care to desecrate this glorious Apple by cooking it.  But I should weary the reader if I went on to sound the praised of the Corn salad, the Beet-root salad, the Potato salad, the Salade de legumes; and of the minute accessories--the Tarragon, the Chevril, the spring Onions--which when cunningly applied give a gaiety and sparkle to the composition.  It is necessary to conclude, and I conclude with the remark that there are salads in abundance, and with a little trouble we can have them in perfection.

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