Jass band

Wed Apr 21 13:31:36 UTC 2004

        Barry may be referring to this post on "Everybody Loves a 'Jazz' [or 'Jass'] Band," a song he says was published in January 1917 but sung much earlier in Chicago.  The post is archived at http://www.americandialect.org/excite/collections/adsl/005915.shtml.  The post includes the song's lyrics, which Barry apparently transcribed from a recording.  There is a more recent post by me that discusses the same song, based on the version in Historic American Sheet Music, at http://listserv.linguistlist.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0403C&L=ads-l&P=R6708.

John Baker

-----Original Message-----
From: American Dialect Society [mailto:ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU]On Behalf
Of Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:28 AM
Subject: Superliner; Madagascar sauce; Island mountain; Fairy circle;
Washboard road; Jass band

   Greetings again from Swakopmund, Namibia.  I wrote this long message, had to sign on AOL again, and have to write this all over again after the original was destroyed.


   In 1996, I meticulously went theough the Wisconsin (Milwaukee), Illinois (Chicago), and Louisiana (New Orleans) newspapers for "jazz."  I put the results here on ADS-L.  I had found "jazz band" before this in 1916.
   Someone screwed up the ADS server and all my work was destroyed.
   No one can find my 1885 "bootleg," either?  I've got to repeat my work over and over and over, for each new person, and even for that new person, I've got to repeat it every year?  Not a single person remembers any of this?

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