
Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Wed Aug 18 18:45:34 UTC 2004

"It's not rocket surgery !" is the punchline in a TV commercial that I first noticed a month or two ago.


sagehen <sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM> wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: sagehen
Subject: Overheard

Overheard on an Ohio worksite: "Well, duh! It's not rocket surgery!"
>>From another listserv:
>> ........ why the French used a term "sauvages" to describe white
men who entered the Indian world of the fur trade, and how that word also
came to describe Indians who worked with these white men. The word comes
from the French verb "s'avoir," to have something.<<

I can find no support for this odd assertion among my limited resources,
which instead relate /sauvage/ to L. /sylvaticus/. Comments?
A. Murie

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