James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Sun Dec 19 15:08:09 UTC 2004

from The Body, a Web site about HIV and AIDS

<begin quote>
SHOP Talk: School Health Opportunities and Progress Bulletin
Volume 6, Number 19
December 14, 2001 

CDC Releases Report on HIV Prevention Among MSM

A report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 
reviews the collective success, remaining challenges, and lessons learned over 
the course of the HIV epidemic among gay and bisexual men.     

Since the 1980s, when CDC investigated the first cases of AIDS among men who 
have sex with men (MSM), the agency has worked closely with state and local 
partners and affected communities to develop, implement, and evaluate 
HIV-prevention programs for those at greatest risk. Today, although HIV has affected 
men, women, and children of all ages, races, ethnicities, and demographic 
categories, MSM are still disproportionately affected, accounting for an estimated 42 
percent of new HIV infections each year.    


The CDC’s Young Men’s Survey examined HIV and STDs among MSM between the 
ages of 23 and 29 in six United States cities: Baltimore, Dallas, Los Angeles, 
Miami, New York City, and Seattle.     


Racism, stigma, and lack of services in minority communities. Social and 
economic factors serve as barriers to receiving HIV-prevention services, 
particularly for MSM of color.    


Prioritizing prevention for MSM of color.
These populations face an urgent public health problem and prevention 
practitioners from all sectors need to mount an effective response. 

Addressing disparities in prevention funding.
Community planning groups, as well as state and local health departments must 
re-evaluate their funding priorities to ensure an appropriate level of 
support for HIV-prevention programs targeting MSM of color.    

<end quote>

This is the earliest cite I could find in a quickie search.  The Body's 
search engine lists 585 pages using "MSM".  

Note the derivative phrase "MSM of color".

Another note:  several years ago (probably before I joined ADS-L) I read in a 
nursing trade journal the prediction that in 5? 10? years the acronym "AIDS" 
would be replaced by "HIV".  No way, I said, such a well-established term 
isn't going to vanish.  Well, perhaps I was wrong.  In the quote above, "HIV" is 
sometimes used to mean the disease rather than the virus which causes the 
disease (note "HIV and STDs" above. where "STD" means "Sexually Transmitted 

     - James A. Landau


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