Question about Scottish

Stahlke, Herbert F.W. hstahlke at BSU.EDU
Tue Feb 17 18:09:44 UTC 2004


Reminds me of another written 'r' in an r-less dialect, "Eeyore" A.A. Milne's Pooh stories.  Most American readers and the children they're reading to completely miss the intentionally imitative quality of the name and it ends up just sounding like a strange made-up name.  My undergrads are frequently surprised when they hear about this.


BTW, "schoolmarm" reminded me of the use of written 'r' (or even double
'r') to represent r-less New England speech in the old days; it's in Marmie
of _Little Women_ too, and in Whittier and others.  I suspect it's confused
generations of readers, as it did me as a kid.

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