"laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS

Jesse Sheidlower jester at PANIX.COM
Sun Jul 25 13:56:44 UTC 2004

On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 09:11:32PM -0400, Wilson Gray wrote:
> On the other hand, "jump sharp" itself, which I've always considered to
> be - in olden times, at least - in universal use, appears to be
> missing. I say "appears" because it's dark and I'm working without my
> reading lamp. If I turn it on, one of our cats will come and stretch
> out on top of the HDAS in order to catch some rays.

It's there. There's an entry for _jump_ 'to behave (in a
specified manner) suddenly', and while we pull out several
common phrases, _jump sharp_ is found in the list of cites.

>  "Mother for you" [muthuhFUHyuh is only trivially distinct from
> muthuhFUHkuh] and "My Friend" (because of initial "M" & "F") are other
> euphemisms for "motherfucker" and at least as old as the song, "Bad
> Mother For You" by Dirty Red.

The entry for _motherfucker_ does indicate "Forms such as
_motherferyer, -fuyer_ are euphem.". I thought there was
more discussion of these forms, but I seem to be mistaken.

Jesse Sheidlower

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