July 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jul 1 01:03:45 UTC 2004
Ending: Sat Jul 31 20:22:14 UTC 2004
Messages: 642
- God Gulf (2003); BRAT diet (1989); Reservationists (1995); Rocket Shake
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Fripps (potato slices)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Gurgitator (2002)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" (1973)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Hipsterati; "De-Lovely" review; Where Now?: Jim Crotty
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- When in doubt, punt (1923) or mumble (1970)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Eat Off (1948?); Offer you can't refuse; New Yorker
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- New Yorker (1746, 1749, 1751, 1754)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- "I've got a gun, and I'm not afraid to use it!"
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Jachnun, Lafa, Matbucha, Melawah, Shakshoukah, Zhug (Yemen cuisine)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Shaken, not stirred (1965); Stir, don't shake (1963)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Banana Republic(ans); Always room for dessert (1965)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- "Plural of anecdote is data" (Ray Wolfinger)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- "White knuckle" flight (1965); "White knuckler" (1971)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- "That's the ticket (for soup)!" (1828)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Golden Triangles; OT: My lobby in NY Times
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- "World War I, II" in Google Answers
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Pittsburgh-style steak (1976)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Pittsburgh-style steak (FACTIVA cites); The Fun CIty (January 7, 1966)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Metcalf, Nunberg books; New Yorker & Tar Beach; Black Russian (1957)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Pit Master/Pitmaster (1968)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- "Cracker" in Early Encounters in North America
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- COMPLETELY OT: "Secret Life of Popcorn" on Food Network tonight
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Lawfare; Early American Newspapers
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Coolidge quote on preacher & sin:"He was against it" (1925)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Amateurs Built Ark,Professionals Built Titanic (1990)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- White Trash Russian, Poor Man's Margarita, Muddy Bottom, Colt Python
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Ark/amateurs, Titanic/professionals (from Factiva) (1979);Spoiler
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- barrypopik.com; Matled Milk & Chicago
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- barrypopik.com; Matled Milk & Chicago
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Smoke-filled room (1915, 1920)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Stay Classy & Ginormous; Giclee; Eating Your Words; barrypopik.com
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Negimaki or Negimayaki
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Brooklyn Side (1911); July Is the Cruelest Month (for "hot dog")
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Sweat Shop (1890)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Lawfare (1975)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Wackadoos and Hate-triots
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Next Best Thing to Robert Redford (1966?, 1982)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Pizza Margarita (1880?)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- Roller Derby (1922)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- From Rags to Riches (1903)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
- The show
Beckymercuri at AOL.COM
- Ms. [off topic]
- for all you zeugmaphiles out there...
- for all you zeugmaphiles out there...
- slang terms for "clitoris"
- slang terms for "clitoris"
- R. W. Burchfield
RonButters at AOL.COM
- Re: for all you zeugmaphiles out there...
RonButters at AOL.COM
- Re: Re: Odd expression: "screw the pooch" = get things all fouled up
RonButters at AOL.COM
- -ing vs. -in' in expletives
RonButters at AOL.COM
- Poontang and Tagalog
RonButters at AOL.COM
- Re: Re: -ing vs. -in' in expletives
RonButters at AOL.COM
- Re: Re: slang (was Re: Phat [was Re: gay/ghey/ghay])
RonButters at AOL.COM
- Re: Re: mmmkay? and its kin
RonButters at AOL.COM
- facilitation
Baker, John
- "the plural of anecdote is (not) data."
Baker, John
- WSJ.com - All Talk, No Action: A Funeral for Verbs, With Few Pallbearers
Baker, John
- The show
Baker, John
- Gunkholing ?1995
Baker, John
- Gunkholing ?1995
Baker, John
- This is no sh*t.
Baker, John
- extraordinary coordination
Alan Baragona
- "Sunday bests"?
Alan Baragona
- fluxuation
- [?] databases
- Mongo
- Mongo
- A nursery rhyme
- The show
- The mouse
- Unthaw
Dennis Baron
- Unthaw
Dennis Baron
- language birth
Dennis Baron
- conundrum onomasticum (Algonquian word for U.S. president)
Benjamin Barrett
- The show
Benjamin J Barrett
- tori kara
Benjamin J Barrett
- Archive-- Am I missing something?
Grant Barrett
- Archive-- Am I missing something?
Grant Barrett
- Mongo
Grant Barrett
- Coolidge quote on preacher & sin:"He was against it" (1925)
Grant Barrett
- WSJ.com - All Talk, No Action: A Funeral for Verbs, With Few Pallbearers
Grant Barrett
- Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
- A nursery rhyme
Jeanelle Barrett
- down the middle or across
Douglas Bigham
- The show
Douglas Bigham
- Unthaw
Douglas Bigham
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Douglas Bigham
- language birth
Douglas Bigham
- "Who-all" and "what-all" (and a Southern Illinois side note)
Douglas Bigham
- God Gulf (2003); BRAT diet (1989); Reservationists (1995); Rocket Shake
David Bowie
- "jimmies" in Philadelphia
David Bowie
- question
David Bowie
- question
David Bowie
- 'Nother blend (or, telling on myself)
David Bowie
- 'Nother blend (or, telling on myself)
David Bowie
- "checking the mail"
James Callan
- Wag
Duane Campbell
- Pro-fil-ac-tic
Duane Campbell
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Duane Campbell
- Unthaw
Duane Campbell
- mmmkay? and its kin
Larissa H. Chen
- Jimmies in NY?
Larissa H. Chen
- mmmkay? and its kin
Sam Clements
- mmmkay? and its kin
Sam Clements
- making a federal case of it
Sam Clements
- Shaken, not stirred (1965); Stir, don't shake (1963)
Sam Clements
- Archive-- Am I missing something?
Sam Clements
- "the plural of anecdote is (not) data."
Sam Clements
- "the plural of anecdote is (not) data."
Sam Clements
- Wag
Sam Clements
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Sam Clements
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Sam Clements
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Sam Clements
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Sam Clements
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Sam Clements
- The show
Sam Clements
- The show
Sam Clements
- A big time at the [picture] show
Sam Clements
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Sam Clements
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Sam Clements
- Sweat Shop (1890)
Sam Clements
- (OT): Request for translation service
Gerald Cohen
- conundrum onomasticum (Algonquian word for U.S. president)
Gerald Cohen
- Why "jimmy a lock?"--(was: Jimmies in NY?)
Gerald Cohen
- on the blend slip watch
Gerald Cohen
- Odd expression: "screw the pooch" = get things all fouled up
Gerald Cohen
- Errant journalistic treatments of "hot dog"
Gerald Cohen
- A nursery rhyme
Dale Coye
- hoarse-horse
Dale Coye
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Dale Coye
- circle jerk
Tom Dalzell
- Ms. [off topic]
Joanne M. Despres
- "the plural of anecdote is (not) data."
Aaron Dinkin
- This is no sh*t.
Sally Donlon
- Periods after abbreviations
Bethany K. Dumas
- upped/up?
Bethany K. Dumas
- inadvertent relevance
Bethany K. Dumas
- A nursery rhyme
Bethany K. Dumas
- A nursery rhyme
Bethany K. Dumas
- random BE slang in the HDAS
Bethany K. Dumas
- Wag
Bruce Dykes
- "preventative"
J. Eulenberg
- Sweat Shop (1890)
J. Eulenberg
- Ms. [off topic]
Alice Faber
- failures of parallelism
Alice Faber
- down the middle or across
Alice Faber
- Gunkholing
Alice Faber
- Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang
Robert Hartwell Fiske
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Bob Fitzke
- "preventative"
Sean Fitzpatrick
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Sean Fitzpatrick
- failures of parallelism
Beverly Flanigan
- "preventative"
Beverly Flanigan
- A nursery rhyme
Beverly Flanigan
- A nursery rhyme
Beverly Flanigan
- -ing vs. -in' in expletives
Beverly Flanigan
- down the middle or across
Beverly Flanigan
- The show
Beverly Flanigan
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Beverly Flanigan
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Beverly Flanigan
- random BE slang in the HDAS
Beverly Flanigan
- Language Files
Beverly Flanigan
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Beverly Flanigan
- childhood rhymes
Beverly Flanigan
- Wag
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
- ..NYT and Disco Rice..
- ..NYT and Disco Rice..
- Ms. [off topic]
Anne Gilbert
- First Gentleman
Dan Goodman
- First Gentleman -- a couple more uses
Dan Goodman
- Another nursery rhyme
Dan Goodman
- Tooth Mouse, tooth fairy
Dan Goodman
- "Absence od evidence is not evidence of absence" (1969)
Stephen Goranson
- hoarse-horse
Gordon, Matthew J.
- Gurgitator (2002)
Wilson Gray
- the respelling tactic
Wilson Gray
- failures of parallelism
Wilson Gray
- The Charge of the Light Apostrophe, or "their's" in Tennyson
Wilson Gray
- upped/up?
Wilson Gray
- Another "upped/up" controversy
Wilson Gray
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Wilson Gray
- R. W. Burchfield
Wilson Gray
- R. W. Burchfield
Wilson Gray
- Lawfare; Early American Newspapers
Wilson Gray
- Mongo
Wilson Gray
- Claudio R. Salvucci
Wilson Gray
- Mongo
Wilson Gray
- "preventative"
Wilson Gray
- "preventative"
Wilson Gray
- slang terms for "clitoris"
Wilson Gray
- "preventative"
Wilson Gray
- A nursery rhyme
Wilson Gray
- A nursery rhyme
Wilson Gray
- A nursery rhyme
Wilson Gray
- A nursery rhyme
Wilson Gray
- A nursery rhyme
Wilson Gray
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Wilson Gray
- Another nursery rhyme
Wilson Gray
- A nursery rhyme
Wilson Gray
- farty
Wilson Gray
- slang terms for "clitoris"
Wilson Gray
- slang terms for "clitoris"
Wilson Gray
- "douche" vs. "douche-bag"
Wilson Gray
- farty
Wilson Gray
- down the middle or across
Wilson Gray
- down the middle or across
Wilson Gray
- A big time at the [picture] show
Wilson Gray
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Wilson Gray
- A big time at the [picture] show
Wilson Gray
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Wilson Gray
- hoarse-horse
Wilson Gray
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Wilson Gray
- Poontang
Wilson Gray
- Centralia, Illinois (was "The show")
Wilson Gray
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Wilson Gray
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Wilson Gray
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Wilson Gray
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Wilson Gray
- The mouse
Wilson Gray
- East Texas blacks shake hands with Oxford University
Wilson Gray
- South Park
Wilson Gray
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Wilson Gray
- The mouse
Wilson Gray
- East Texas blacks shake hands with Oxford University
Wilson Gray
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Wilson Gray
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Wilson Gray
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Wilson Gray
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Wilson Gray
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- The mouse
Wilson Gray
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- This is new to me
Wilson Gray
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- "Poontang" etymology (speculative)
Wilson Gray
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- O.K & Booze
Wilson Gray
- random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Wilson Gray
- This is no sh*t.
Wilson Gray
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- Re 2: A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Wilson Gray
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Wilson Gray
- This is no sh*t.
Wilson Gray
- The history of saluting
Wilson Gray
- No subject
Wilson Gray
- No subject
Wilson Gray
- Hide-and-seek (was [Damn! Forgot to supply subject!])
Wilson Gray
- Hide-and-seek ([was "Damn! Forgot to supply subject!])
Wilson Gray
- This is no sh*t.
Wilson Gray
- "Who-all" and "what-all" (and a Southern Illinois side note)
Wilson Gray
- This is no sh*t.
Wilson Gray
- childhood rhymes
Wilson Gray
- "Bloke" etymology (speculative at best)
Jonathon Green
- East Texas blacks shake hands with Oxford University
Jonathon Green
- "Poontang" etymology (speculative)
Jonathon Green
- This is no sh*t.
Jonathon Green
- This is no sh*t.
Jonathon Green
- facilitation
Orin Hargraves
- BRAT diet (1989)
Orin Hargraves
- upped and...
Orin Hargraves
- "preventative"
Dave Hause
- 'Nother blend (or, telling on myself)
Dave Hause
- wedded to the hyphen
Laurence Horn
- failures of parallelism
Laurence Horn
- failures of parallelism
Laurence Horn
- failures of parallelism
Laurence Horn
- Fwd: Re: "jimmies" in Philadelphia
Laurence Horn
- "White knuckle" flight (1965); "White knuckler" (1971)
Laurence Horn
- extraordinary coordination
Laurence Horn
- failures of parallelism
Laurence Horn
- failures of parallelism
Laurence Horn
- failures of parallelism
Laurence Horn
- failures of parallelism
Laurence Horn
- failures of parallelism (disjunctive division)
Laurence Horn
- Ms. First Lady, not just anybody
Laurence Horn
- upped/up?
Laurence Horn
- question
Laurence Horn
- 1st gentleman
Laurence Horn
- 1st gentleman
Laurence Horn
- upped and...
Laurence Horn
- upped and...
Laurence Horn
- question
Laurence Horn
- upped and...
Laurence Horn
- on the blend slip watch
Laurence Horn
- for all you zeugmaphiles out there...
Laurence Horn
- Mongo
Laurence Horn
- for all you zeugmaphiles out there...
Laurence Horn
- A nursery rhyme
Laurence Horn
- A nursery rhyme
Laurence Horn
- Green, yellow, etc.
Laurence Horn
- slang terms for "clitoris"
Laurence Horn
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Laurence Horn
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Laurence Horn
- The mouse
Laurence Horn
- Brooklyn Side (1911); July Is the Cruelest Month (for "hot dog")
Laurence Horn
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Laurence Horn
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Laurence Horn
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Laurence Horn
- Jimmies in NY?
Carolina Jimenez-Marcos
- Ms. First Lady, not just anybody
Carolina Jimenez-Marcos
- Ladies and Gentlemen, the firsts
Carolina Jimenez-Marcos
- A nursery rhyme
Carolina Jimenez-Marcos
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Carolina Jimenez-Marcos
- Ginormous
Carolina Jimenez-Marcos
- semantic change: chutzpah
Bernard Kane
- Fwd: Re: "jimmies" in Philadelphia
Ed Keer
- Jimmies in NY?
Ed Keer
- A nursery rhyme
Ed Keer
- A nursery rhyme
Ed Keer
- down the middle or across
Ed Keer
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Ed Keer
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Patti Kurtz
- semantic change: chutzpah
Tom Kysilko
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Tom Kysilko
- upped and...
Tom Kysilko
- for all you zeugmaphiles out there...
Tom Kysilko
- Blue Moon
Tom Kysilko
- BRAT diet (1989)
James A. Landau
- Periods after abbreviations
James A. Landau
- Wag
James A. Landau
- question
James A. Landau
- 'Nother blend (or, telling on myself)
James A. Landau
- "douche" vs. "douche-bag"
James A. Landau
- farty
James A. Landau
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
James A. Landau
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
James A. Landau
- The history of saluting
James A. Landau
- language birth
James A. Landau
- question
Margaret Lee
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Margaret Lee
- A nursery rhyme
Jonathan Lighter
- A nursery rhyme
Jonathan Lighter
- Odd expression: "screw the pooch" = get things all fouled up
Jonathan Lighter
- slang terms for "clitoris"
Jonathan Lighter
- -ing vs. -in' in expletives
Jonathan Lighter
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Jonathan Lighter
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Jonathan Lighter
- Stay Classy & Ginormous; Giclee; Eating Your Words; barrypopik.com
Jonathan Lighter
- The mouse
Jonathan Lighter
- East Texas blacks shake hands with Oxford University
Jonathan Lighter
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Jonathan Lighter
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Jonathan Lighter
- The mouse
Jonathan Lighter
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Jonathan Lighter
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Jonathan Lighter
- Ginormous
Jonathan Lighter
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Jonathan Lighter
- New simile
Jonathan Lighter
- Brooklyn Side (1911); July Is the Cruelest Month (for "hot dog")
Jonathan Lighter
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Jonathan Lighter
- "Poontang" etymology (speculative)
Jonathan Lighter
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Jonathan Lighter
- Gunkholing ?1995
Jonathan Lighter
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Jonathan Lighter
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Jonathan Lighter
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Jonathan Lighter
- O.K & Booze
Jonathan Lighter
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Jonathan Lighter
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Jonathan Lighter
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Jonathan Lighter
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Jonathan Lighter
- Next Best Thing to Robert Redford (1966?, 1982)
Jonathan Lighter
- Twitchy?
Jonathan Lighter
- Unthaw
Jonathan Lighter
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Jonathan Lighter
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Jonathan Lighter
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Jonathan Lighter
- This is no sh*t.
Jonathan Lighter
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Jonathan Lighter
- No subject
Jonathan Lighter
- childhood rhymes
Jonathan Lighter
- "jimmies" in Philadelphia
Mark A. Mandel
- "jimmies" in Philadelphia
Mark A. Mandel
- "Plural of anecdote is data" (Ray Wolfinger)
Mark A. Mandel
- "Bloke" etymology (speculative at best)
Mark A. Mandel
- The Charge of the Light Apostrophe, or "their's" in Tennyson
Mark A. Mandel
- "checking the mail"
Mark A. Mandel
- R. W. Burchfield
Mark A. Mandel
- for all you zeugmaphiles out there...
Mark A. Mandel
- "preventative"
Mark A. Mandel
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Mark A. Mandel
- random BE slang in the HDAS
Mark A. Mandel
- Giclee
Mark A. Mandel
- ADS-L Digest - 27 Jul 2004 to 28 Jul 2004 (#2004-211)
Mark A. Mandel
- unthaw
Mark A. Mandel
- Ms. [off topic]
Peter A. McGraw
- Federal nugget
Peter A. McGraw
- Wag
Peter A. McGraw
- extraordinary coordination
Peter A. McGraw
- failures of parallelism
Peter A. McGraw
- "preventative"
Peter A. McGraw
- "preventative"
Peter A. McGraw
- A nursery rhyme
Peter A. McGraw
- down the middle or across
Peter A. McGraw
- hoarse-horse
Peter A. McGraw
- down the middle or across
Peter A. McGraw
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Peter A. McGraw
- hoarse-horse
Peter A. McGraw
- Unthaw
Peter A. McGraw
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Peter A. McGraw
- Periods after abbreviations
Kim & Rima McKinzey
- Periods after abbreviations
Kim & Rima McKinzey
- Jimmies in NY?
Kim & Rima McKinzey
- The mouse
DURHAM Mercedes
- Offer you can't refuse
Kathleen E. Miller
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Kathleen E. Miller
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Kathleen E. Miller
- Gunkholing
Kathleen E. Miller
- barrypopik.com; Matled Milk & Chicago
Evan Morris
- databases
Mullins, Bill
- Wag
Mullins, Bill
- "Five Foot Shelf"
Mullins, Bill
- "preventative"
Mullins, Bill
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Mullins, Bill
- "douche" vs. "douche-bag"
Mullins, Bill
- Laptopping
Mullins, Bill
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Mullins, Bill
- Giclee
Mullins, Bill
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Mullins, Bill
- facilitation
Lynne Murphy
- Fwd: Re: Fwd: Jimmies in NY?
Geoff Nathan
- Mongo
Geoff Nathan
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Geoff Nathan
- Unthaw
Geoff Nathan
- Twitchy?
Geoff Nathan
- mmmkay? and its kin
Lois Nathan
- "jimmies" in Philadelphia
Barbara Need
- 1st gentleman
Barbara Need
- A nursery rhyme
Barbara Need
- A nursery rhyme
Barbara Need
- down the middle or across
Barbara Need
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Barbara Need
- Periods after abbreviations
Victoria Neufeldt
- Wag
Victoria Neufeldt
- barrypopik.com; Matled Milk & Chicago
Victoria Neufeldt
- A nursery rhyme
Victoria Neufeldt
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Victoria Neufeldt
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Wendalyn Nichols
- The show
Janis Vizier Nihart
- Re The show
Janis Vizier Nihart
- A big time at the [picture] show
Janis Vizier Nihart
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Janis Vizier Nihart
- The mouse
Janis Vizier Nihart
- language birth
Thomas Paikeday
- upped and...
Jim Parish
- Odd expression: "screw the pooch" = get things all fouled up
Jim Parish
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Jim Parish
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Jim Parish
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Charlotte Pass
- mmmkay? and its kin
Dennis R. Preston
- mmmkay? and its kin
Dennis R. Preston
- the thin line between error and mere variation II
Dennis R. Preston
- the respelling tactic
Dennis R. Preston
- mmmkay? and its kin
Dennis R. Preston
- upped/up?
Dennis R. Preston
- 1st gentleman
Dennis R. Preston
- Mongo
Dennis R. Preston
- for all you zeugmaphiles out there...
Dennis R. Preston
- "preventative"
Dennis R. Preston
- "preventative"
Dennis R. Preston
- "preventative"
Dennis R. Preston
- 'Nother blend (or, telling on myself)
Dennis R. Preston
- Odd expression: "screw the pooch" = get things all fouled up
Dennis R. Preston
- 'Nother blend (or, telling on myself)
Dennis R. Preston
- Odd expression: "screw the pooch" = get things all fouled up
Dennis R. Preston
- farty
Dennis R. Preston
- down the middle or across
Dennis R. Preston
- hoarse-horse
Dennis R. Preston
- slang terms for "clitoris"
Dennis R. Preston
- farty
Dennis R. Preston
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Dennis R. Preston
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Jeff Prucher
- upped and...
Michael Quinion
- "preventative"
Michael Quinion
- East Texas blacks shake hands with Oxford University
Michael Quinion
- East Texas blacks shake hands with Oxford University
Michael Quinion
- lifestyle drug
Michael Quinion
- another coordination example
Clai Rice
- dirty words in dictionaries: semi-final thoughts
Fred Shapiro
- God Gulf (2003); BRAT diet (1989); Reservationists (1995); Rocket Shake
Fred Shapiro
- Jimmies in NY?
Fred Shapiro
- "Plural of anecdote is data" (Ray Wolfinger)
Fred Shapiro
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Fred Shapiro
- barrypopik.com; Matled Milk & Chicago
Fred Shapiro
- R. W. Burchfield
Jesse Sheidlower
- semantic change: chutzpah
Jesse Sheidlower
- English Dialect Dictionary
Jesse Sheidlower
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Jesse Sheidlower
- Unthaw
Jesse Sheidlower
- lifestyle drug
Jesse Sheidlower
- Odd expression: "screw the pooch" = get things all fouled up
Rachel E. Shuttlesworth
- Gunkholing ?1995
Rachel E. Shuttlesworth
- Twitchy?
Rachel E. Shuttlesworth
- Language Files
Beth Simon
- down the middle or across
James Smith
- down the middle or across
Indigo Som
- wedded to the hyphen
James C Stalker
- upped and...
Page Stephens
- Mongo
Page Stephens
- Mongo
Page Stephens
- Mongo
Page Stephens
- forehead
Page Stephens
- Green, yellow, etc.
Page Stephens
- slang terms for "clitoris"
Page Stephens
- Poontang
Page Stephens
- The show
Page Stephens
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Page Stephens
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Page Stephens
- Centralia, Illinois (was "The show")
Page Stephens
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Page Stephens
- East Texas blacks shake hands with Oxford University
Page Stephens
- South Park
Page Stephens
- The mouse
Page Stephens
- pseodonyms
Page Stephens
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Page Stephens
- O.K & Booze
Page Stephens
- Grab-handle or Strap in Car, etc.
Page Stephens
- dog robber
Page Stephens
- Unthaw
Page Stephens
- Twitchy?
Page Stephens
- language birth
Page Stephens
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Page Stephens
- question
Kristen and Ted
- making a federal case of it
George Thompson
- Why "jimmy a lock?"--(was: Jimmies in NY?)
George Thompson
- "big apple: -- miscellaneous
George Thompson
- R. W. Burchfield
George Thompson
- "checking the mail"
George Thompson
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
George Thompson
- R. W. Burchfield
George Thompson
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
George Thompson
- English Dialect Dictionary
George Thompson
- Claudio R. Salvucci
George Thompson
- making a federal case of it
Douglas G. Wilson
- Archive-- Am I missing something?
Douglas G. Wilson
- "Bloke" etymology (speculative at best)
Douglas G. Wilson
- Wag
Douglas G. Wilson
- The Charge of the Light Apostrophe, or "their's" in Tennyson
Douglas G. Wilson
- question
Douglas G. Wilson
- Pittsburgh-style steak (1976)
Douglas G. Wilson
- conundrum onomasticum (Algonquian word for U.S. president)
Douglas G. Wilson
- Mongo
Douglas G. Wilson
- Mongo
Douglas G. Wilson
- "preventative"
Douglas G. Wilson
- barrypopik.com; Matled Milk & Chicago
Douglas G. Wilson
- Odd expression: "screw the pooch" = get things all fouled up
Douglas G. Wilson
- "Sunday bests"?
Douglas G. Wilson
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Douglas G. Wilson
- "blue"(English)=obscene. Why "green" in Spanish?
Douglas G. Wilson
- slang terms for "clitoris"
Douglas G. Wilson
- The show
Douglas G. Wilson
- Poontang
Douglas G. Wilson
- Poontang and Tagalog
Douglas G. Wilson
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Douglas G. Wilson
- Giclee
Douglas G. Wilson
- circle jerk
Douglas G. Wilson
- "laid" and other random BE slang in the HDAS
Douglas G. Wilson
- "Poontang" etymology (speculative)
Douglas G. Wilson
- "Poontang" etymology (speculative)
Douglas G. Wilson
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Douglas G. Wilson
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
Douglas G. Wilson
- No subject
Douglas G. Wilson
- mmmkay? and its kin
Dave Wilton
- Jimmies in NY?
Dave Wilton
- Walt Whitman's baseball quote (surely not 1846!)
Dave Wilton
- question
Dave Wilton
- A Little More On "First Lady"
Dave Wilton
- A children's punning/rhyming game
Dave Wilton
- circle jerk
Dave Wilton
- Brooklyn Side (1911); July Is the Cruelest Month (for "hot dog")
Dave Wilton
- A couple of examples of black-GI slang influenced by German
Dave Wilton
- This is no sh*t.
Dave Wilton
- language birth
Yerkes, Susan
- mmmkay? and its kin
Arnold M. Zwicky
- mmmkay? and its kin
Arnold M. Zwicky
- mmmkay? and its kin
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Newspeak
Arnold M. Zwicky
- the thin line between error and mere variation II
Arnold M. Zwicky
- the thin line between error and mere variation II
Arnold M. Zwicky
- the respelling tactic
Arnold M. Zwicky
- the respelling tactic
Arnold M. Zwicky
- wedded to the hyphen
Arnold M. Zwicky
- mmmkay? and its kin
Arnold M. Zwicky
- failures of parallelism
Arnold M. Zwicky
- failures of parallelism
Arnold M. Zwicky
- semantic change: chutzpah
Arnold M. Zwicky
- semantic change: chutzpah
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Wag
Arnold M. Zwicky
- semantic change: chutzpah
Arnold M. Zwicky
- extraordinary coordination
Arnold M. Zwicky
- extraordinary coordination
Arnold M. Zwicky
- failures of parallelism
Arnold M. Zwicky
- the safirean collective
Arnold M. Zwicky
- the safirean collective
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Mongo
Arnold M. Zwicky
- on the blend slip watch
Arnold M. Zwicky
- on the blend slip watch
Arnold M. Zwicky
- inadvertent relevance
Arnold M. Zwicky
- "preventative"
Arnold M. Zwicky
- believe them say
Arnold M. Zwicky
- -ing vs. -in' in expletives
Arnold M. Zwicky
- -ing vs. -in' in expletives
Arnold M. Zwicky
- -ing vs. -in' in expletives
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Acme--two syllables or three? :)
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Poontang
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Arnold M. Zwicky
- hoarse-horse
Arnold M. Zwicky
- hoarse-horse
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Spelling errors as a reflection of non-standard speech
Arnold M. Zwicky
- circle jerk
Arnold M. Zwicky
- random BE slang in the HDAS
Arnold M. Zwicky
- another coordination example
Arnold M. Zwicky
- another coordination example
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Twitchy?
Arnold M. Zwicky
- Language Files
Arnold M. Zwicky
- lifestyle drug
Arnold M. Zwicky
- This is no sh*t.
Arnold M. Zwicky
- This is no sh*t.
Arnold M. Zwicky
- spelling matters
- "preventative"
- A nursery rhyme
- Unthaw
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
- "Who-all" and "what-all"
- This is no shit
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 20:22:14 UTC 2004
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:18:27 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).