No subject

Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Sat Jul 31 04:17:13 UTC 2004

>Last night, night before
>Twenty-four robbers at my door
>I opened the door
>I let them in
>I hit them in the head with a rolling pin
>All hid?

Compare the nursery rhyme (?) popularized by Stephen King:

Late last night, and the night before,
Tommyknockers, tommyknockers, knocking at the door.

[Incidentally, I suppose that this word "tommyknocker" is cognate with
Swedish "tomte" (= gnome), as in "Jultomten" = "the Yule gnome", who knocks
(?) and delivers "julklappar" = "Christmas presents" (basically "Yule
knocks" or so, I suppose), according to my limited understanding of the
subject. Can anybody confirm or refute my notion?]

-- Doug Wilson

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