
Arnold M. Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Thu Jul 29 16:22:38 UTC 2004

On Jul 29, 2004, at 6:53 AM, Jonathan Lighter wrote:

> Not me.
> "Rachel E. Shuttlesworth" <rshuttle at BAMA.UA.EDU> wrote:
> On another list I'm on, one related to library doings, someone recently
> referred to "teen goths and twitchy types". Another member responded
> with
>> I have to ask the question, what is twitchy types? A slang I'm too old
>> for? M
> to which the original poster replied
>> Oh boy, I was almost hoping you wouldn't ask because it's another can
>> of
>> worms ,
>> BUT Twitch = teen and witch.
>> Mostly those who are interested in Wicca. Books by Amelia Atwater
>> Rhodes
>> and the Sweep Series are examples of what was on the list. I love to
>> tell
>> them that Ameila started writing and publishing when she was 13--they
>> are
>> always amazed and pleased. It also opens the door for me to mention
>> The
>> Outsiders. My readings lists were only fiction titles, though we did
>> have
>> some non-fiction titles on the subject of Twitch.
> I've not heard this blend before and didn't find it in the ADS-L
> archives. A google search shows refs to Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I
> wonder if it started there or elsewhere. Are y'all familiar with it?

a possibly contributing factor is the famous "twitch" (of the nose)
that Samantha used to perform magical feats on the 60s tv comedy


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