Re:       Re: mmmkay? and its kin

RonButters at AOL.COM RonButters at AOL.COM
Thu Jul 29 02:28:17 UTC 2004

 On Jul 2, 2004, at 9:50 AM, Arnold Zwicky wrote:

>> ...  i had noticed it years
>> before that, but (since i didn't have the feature myself) hadn't
>> realized that it was a specifically american thing.

>i believe that this is one case where we can't blame canada.

>arnold (zwicky at

One recent print example:

 How To Meet Cute Boys
by Deanna Kizis (Hardcover - October 2003)

• Excerpt from page 80 "... at me. "Why don't I just give you the quotes, 
mkay?" I was so flattered by her attention, I threw journalistic ..."

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