'mo = homo

Alice Faber faber at HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Sat Mar 6 04:28:38 UTC 2004

Laurence Horn wrote:
>I tend to agree, although I'm just speculating here.  Some other
>partially unstressed remnants I've been thinking about are those used
>for sports team hypocoristics, but they represent secondarily
>stressed rather than truly unstressed cases:  the 'Lanche (for the
>Colorado Avalanche hockey team, a.k.a. the Avs), the 'Canes (for the
>Hurricanes), the 'Noles (for the Seminoles), etc.  There's also the
>Wolves (for the Minnesota Timberwolves, a.k.a. T-Wolves), but that's
>a bit different, since it's really a compound reducing to its head,
>and "wolves" is definitely stressed to begin with, albeit
>secondarily; cf. the 'Boys and the 'Skins, from Dallas and DC
>respectively.   I can't think of bisyllabic team names with initial
>stress where the second syllable is retained, once we eliminate
>compounds and modifier-head constructions (e.g. "the Sox"); what
>doesn't occur is e.g. the 'Kees of NY, the 'Kers of L.A.--even though
>the latter is a nice reanalysis in the making.

I'm not sure what actual pronunciation underlies the shortening of
Coyotes to 'Yotes, but that somehow fits at least with 'Lanche and

Alice Faber                                             faber at haskins.yale.edu
Haskins Laboratories                                  tel: (203) 865-6163 x258
New Haven, CT 06511 USA                                     fax (203) 865-8963

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