porn-star names that are NOT puns

RonButters at AOL.COM RonButters at AOL.COM
Sat May 1 17:32:41 UTC 2004

In a message dated 5/1/04 12:43:32 PM, zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU writes:

> "your first pet's name plus the
> name of the street you grew up on", or a novel suggestion, "first name
> of person you most want to get back at + your middle name" (which
> assumes there is a person you most want to get back at, but i come up
> empty-handed there, and i'm sure not going to use Melchior as my last
> name).  the one i'm most familiar with is mother's maiden name plus
> name of the street you grew up on

We used to play this game years ago to come up with drag names. We used pet 
name + mother's first name. This makes me 


which is maybe OK for a drag name, but does nothing in the porn-name 

We lived on "J" street, so maybe 


is butch enough for a porn-star name?

I can't think of anybody I'd really like to get back at, either, but if 
somebody I feel anger towards works, that could makes me


(or maybe CHENEY DICK?)

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