Dave Wilton dave at WILTON.NET
Mon Sep 27 14:41:53 UTC 2004

> I started this thread to dredge up evidence concerning the early
> career of a now salient Americanism.  Are Wilson, Ron, and I
> really the only ones aged enough to have something to contribute?
> That WOULD be scary.

My earliest recollections square precisely with your hypothesis. "Sucks" was
most definitely a reference to homosexual fellatio when I was growing up and
it was among the taboo words. "You suck" was a very nasty thing to say to
someone. But these recollections would have been from c.1970, and I assume
that this particular usage started about a decade or so earlier, so I wasn't
around (or I was too young to be cognizant) when it was coined.

--Dave Wilton
  dave at

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