probably just a spelling error, but...

Arnold M. Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Wed Jan 19 22:57:19 UTC 2005

from the Palo Alto Daily News, 1/4/05, p. 7, article by Edward
Carpenter, "Two killed in unrelated Taser incidents":
According to Warner, Barajas appeared unaffected by the first stun gun
shot, used his machete to cut the wires of [the] second shot and
charged police on the third shot, jumping through the window of a house
where he had been hold up for about seven hours.

it's barely possible that the writer thought that "hold" made more
sense than the rarer word "holed".  most likely, it was dictated, and
"holed" ended up being replaced by the more common spelling "hold".


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