probably just a spelling error, but...

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Jan 20 01:06:53 UTC 2005

At 2:57 PM -0800 1/19/05, Arnold M. Zwicky wrote:
>from the Palo Alto Daily News, 1/4/05, p. 7, article by Edward
>Carpenter, "Two killed in unrelated Taser incidents":
>According to Warner, Barajas appeared unaffected by the first stun gun
>shot, used his machete to cut the wires of [the] second shot and
>charged police on the third shot, jumping through the window of a house
>where he had been hold up for about seven hours.
>it's barely possible that the writer thought that "hold" made more
>sense than the rarer word "holed".  most likely, it was dictated, and
>"holed" ended up being replaced by the more common spelling "hold".

with "hold up" as a--what it's called, meme?--in such police contexts


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