New York Post Research Need

Fred Shapiro fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Fri Jan 21 16:51:08 UTC 2005

I wonder whether Barry Popik or George Thompson or some other New York
City ADS-Ler might be willing to look something up for me in the microfilm
of the New York Post.  I realize this is a big imposition, so I will
understand if the answer is no.

I am trying to trace Woodrow Wilson's alleged remark after screening the
film Birth of a Nation:  "It is like writing history in lightning.  My
only regret is that it is all so terribly true."  According to Russell
Merritt, "Dixon, Griffith, and the Southern Legend," Cinema Journal 12:
26-45 (1972), "This famous remark was first quoted in the New York Post,
March 4, 1915."  This is the citation I would like to verify, as well as
checking that the exact wording as given above is correct.

Fred Shapiro

Fred R. Shapiro                             Editor
Associate Librarian for Collections and     YALE DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS
  Access and Lecturer in Legal Research     Yale University Press,
Yale Law School                             forthcoming
e-mail: fred.shapiro at     

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