
FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Fri Jan 21 18:07:21 UTC 2005

I hear 'polm' for 'poem' all the time and even hear 'bolth' for 'both'  fairly often.
>I haven't noticed this particular phenomenon. However, FWIW, I once
>upon a time pronounced the word "cow" as "cowl." Then, one day, I
>suddenly noticed the disconnect between the spelling of the word and my
>pronunciation thereof. Nobody ever said anything to me about my
>mispronunciation, out of kindness or, perhaps, fear. As I've had
>occasion to find out the hard way, some people don't take it lightly
>when someone else presumes to "correct" their speech. It took me a
>while to realize that a person doesn't speak a particular idiolect
>because he's too stupid to know any better. Rather, he speaks that way
>because, for him, that way of speaking is the right way to speak.

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Adding a "dark /l/ after a vowel and especially intervocalicly is common in
the South Midland and, presumably, South.  My southern Ohio students do it
all the time.  And it isn't a "mispronunciation"; it's simply a variant
pronunciation; no one in the same region would "correct" you, since they
very likely used it themselves.  "Ill-educated" students are simply
spelling the way they speak.  I had a graduate student who spelled
"drawing" as "drawling" until she was slapped down (literally, I think) by
her teacher.  She never got over it.

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