Sometimes the accent has to go...

Paul Frank paulfrank at POST.HARVARD.EDU
Tue Jun 7 16:10:26 UTC 2005

"Remember poor Audrey Hepburn as Eliza Doolittle, gnashing and wailing her
way through My Fair Lady as she struggled mightily to rid herself of a
Cockney accent that was holding her back from her chosen field of endeavor?
The same drama is happening daily all over town as performers, certain that
their dialect-rich approach to the English language is working against them
at auditions, undertake the process of stripping their speech patterns of
anything that would label them as being from a particular region or
nation..." More here:

Paul Frank
English translation
from Chinese: humanities and the social sciences
from German, French, and Spanish: sinology
e-mail: paulfrank at

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