"Happy as a puppy with two peters"
neil at TYPOG.CO.UK
Mon Jun 20 21:43:31 UTC 2005
on 20/6/05 6:53 pm, Jonathan Lighter at wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster: Jonathan Lighter <wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM>
> Subject: Re: "Happy as a puppy with two peters"
--> -
> If this isn't a fake, it's amazing that the little guy has survived. Most
> such extreme mutations die very quickly.
> Among the phrases that got my attention in Tennessee thirty years ago were
> "horny as a three-peckered billygoat" and "...as a three-balled tomcat."
> JL
How about a ten-peckered billy-goat?
'John was beside himself with lust now. Little sister or not, she obviously
wanted it, and he desperately needed a fuck, otherwise he was gonna be horny
as a ten-peckered billy-goat all day long.'
--Eros, 'Family Fun, alt.sex.stories. 17 september 1996
Presumably you're already aware of 'horny as a three-peckered gopher'
(Timothy Curry, One-Liners as a Folklore Genre, 'Keystone Folk Quarterly,
XV, mp.2, Summer 1970, 89, 5)
--Neil Crawford (off now to the Aldburgh festival -- Benjamin Britten
country -- for a couple of days)
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