mints pie? axe of God? religious tracks? Prints of Wales?

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Thu May 19 15:35:27 UTC 2005

>How about the old joke, "Jose can you see, by the
>dawn's early light."?...or the Sunday School favorite,
>"Gladly, the cross-eyed bear."?  But these are
>mondegreens, if I'm not Miss Staken.
"Gladly" was one of  my two favorite jokes back in the Pleistocene when I
was a kid.  The other was about the child who thought God lived in their
bathroom since "Every morning Daddy goes to the bathroom door & shouts,
'God! Are you still in there?' "
I thought these two were the funniest things that had ever been invented in
the history of the world. Dunno if being a Unitarian had something to do
with this.

~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>

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