FW: Re: "fiend": in anyone's active vocab?

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Nov 10 19:34:00 UTC 2005

>There is, I think, "coffee fiend" in "Barnaby", by Crockett Johnson,
>1943.  (Barnaby, Mr. O'Malley, and their ghost friend are
>investigating a house supposed to be haunted, and think they've come
>upon coffee fiends.  Actually, they are wartime black marketeers,
>trafficking in coffee.

and if we're going back in time (another 30 years), there's Winsor
McCay's "rarebit fiend"...

>At 11/9/2005 03:09 PM, you wrote:
>>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>>Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>>Poster:       "Mullins, Bill" <Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL>
>>Subject:      FW:      Re: "fiend": in anyone's active vocab?
>>[letter to editor] John Jerome, _Rolling Stone_. 21 June 1973, p. 3 col
>>"Nark nark.  Who's there?  Justice Department.  Justice <i> who? </i> .
>>. . Justice soon as I finish this beer I'm going to go bust some
>>>  there's also the typically (but not exclusively) ironic or
>>>  self-conscious "dope fiend"

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