"Murphy's Law" Lead

James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Sat Nov 19 12:56:06 UTC 2005

In a message dated Wed, 16 Nov 2005 18:42:11 -0500,Wilson Gray
_hwgray at GMAIL.COM_ (mailto:hwgray at GMAIL.COM)  asks:

Is  there a library that has collected ASF? My local library has the  complete
run of F&SF from v.1(1) to the present, but not a single issue  of God's own
SF mag.

Worldcat lists a number of libraries that have holdings of
Astounding/Analog.  Try URL

There are also specialty SF book/magazine dealers who stock ASF.  The  only
one I have dealt with is Robert Madle, 4406 Bestor Drive, Rockville,  MD 29853,

             -  Jim Landau

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