Wilson Gray
hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 22 21:58:29 UTC 2005
Jeez, Chris, I didn't mean to imply that the version with which I am
familiar is, in any sense the "standard" version, only that it's the single
version with which I'm familiar. I didn't bother to do any searching. I
simply accepted your version as being as "standard" as mine. (Did you, by
chance, read about the trivial controversy over whether "Chicken Little" was
the correct name of the movie and not "Chicken Licken," etc.?) Likewise,
it's totally clear to me that if your version is "in one place," then there
is nothing about "in the wrong basket" that is eggcornish for you. In like
manner, if the speaker that I heard had said "in one place," the possibility
that the phrase might be an eggcorn would never have crossed my mind.
On 11/22/05, Chris Waigl <cwaigl at> wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster: Chris Waigl <cwaigl at FREE.FR>
> Subject: Re: Eggcorn?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wilson Gray wrote:
> >It's only ".. into one basket" for me. Hence, "... in the wrong basket"
> has
> >an eggcornish feel to it. I've never heard or read "... in the same
> basket"
> >or any other variant before. A mere coincidence, no doubt. But please
> note
> >that I supply a question mark with my submission, indicating that I
> expect
> >that there may be differing interpretations of the evidence and that I in
> no
> >way wish to suggest that the example _necessarily_ is to be interpreted
> as
> >an eggcorn.
> >
> I didn't mean to sound in any way unhappy, and my reference was to those
> on the site in any event. It just looks to me -- though I neglected to
> search for the version with "into", so maybe my idea of what the
> "standard version looks like is unidiomatic -- that people use so many
> variations of this idiom that not much can be concluded from someone
> writing "in the wrong basket" even if he or she thinks this _is_ the
> standard variant.
> Chris Waigl
> --
> blog:
> eggcorns:
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