Interesting sentence ...

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Nov 23 00:22:40 UTC 2005

>I'm used to hearing simple "with" used with "come" and "go" in both German
>and English. I've even used it myself in German. But this was the first time
>that I ever heard it used with "be."
>I first heard "come with" and "go with" in English in Northern California,
>used by a native of Sacramento whose parents had moved there from
>Minneapolis. This was in 1969.

It's big in Wisconsin, not too surprisingly.  We always included it
in our intro class dialect survey questionnaires at the UW, along
with "bubbler" (for water fountain) and "berm" (for that strip
between sidewalk and curb that we've been talking about).  And, of
course, positive "anymore".


>On 11/22/05, FRITZ JUENGLING <juengling_fritz at> wrote:
>>  ---------------------- Information from the mail header
>>  -----------------------
>>  Sender: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>>  Poster: FRITZ JUENGLING <juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US>
>>  Subject: Re: Interesting sentence ...
>>  Yes, it probably is influenced by German and Dutch, where 'Kommst du mit?'
>>  and 'Kom je mee?' are just fine. Interestingly, this is also found in South
>>  African English, where it was influenced by Dutch/Afrikaans.
>>  Fritz
>>  >>> preston at MSU.EDU 11/22/05 02:00PM >>>
>>  Come with, go with, no object, very common in German(ic) influenced
>>  areas throughout the Midwest. Sounds like waiting for the second shoe
>>  to fall to me.
>>  dInIs
>>  >to me, anyway:
>>  >
>>  >"A friend was with and she drove me home,"
>>  >
>>  >spoken by a woman from Illinois. Unfortunately, there was no context to
>>  >indicate where in Illinois she was from.
>>  >A WAG is northwest Illinois.
>>  >--
>>  >-Wilson Gray
>>  --
>>  Dennis R. Preston
>>  University Distinguished Professor
>>  Department of English
>>  15-C Morrill Hall
>>  Michigan State University
>>  East Lansing, MI 48824-1036
>>  Phone: (517) 353-4736
>>  Fax: (517) 353-3755
>>  preston at

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