"stuck on stupid"

Mullins, Bill Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Wed Sep 21 23:42:20 UTC 2005

> >The earliest I find it in ProQuest is in a 1996 headline from the
> >Michigan Chronicle (an African American newspaper).  Most of
> the other
> >cites are also from Black sources (Chicago Defender,
> Afro-American Red
> >Star, etc.).
> From 1992:
> -----
> St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 23, 1992, p. 1A (Nexis) "This
> country has been SOS for 12 years, and by that I mean Stuck
> On Stupid," said Knies, a computer programmer downtown, who
> lives in Ballwin.
> -----

>From Factiva

"Mayor scores with youth unit" BY Pam McClintock and Vincent McCraw

" "We're talking about a government with hate in its heart coming after
one person using millions of dollars. We need to start letting {U.S.
Attorney General Dick} Thornburgh know that he shouldn't get stuck on
stupid and try this again. He needs to let it go," said Ms. Hughes.  "
[Cathy Hughes:  Cathy Hughes Show on WOL-AM radio]

Back atcha . . .  <G>

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