saving the world

Bethany K. Dumas dumasb at UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU
Mon Dec 4 16:01:57 UTC 2006

On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Dennis R. Preston wrote:

>Let us reconsider making our list a professional discussion forum,
>open to those who interest in language and variety is at least enough
>to warrant the very low student rate for ADS membership. I was
>persuaded once some time ago that this was not in keeping with our
>educational aims, but I feel we cannot deliver on them within the
>present mode, and I encourage this reconsideration. We are not far
>from the Annual Meeting, and I suggest this topic should be discussed.
>If we "close" the list, I will personally pay for Joel's first year membership.

I second this. And I will also personally pay for a student's first year


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