"Clean as a Safeway chicken" (law enforcement lingo?)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Tue Jun 27 03:17:08 UTC 2006

I was watching THE CLOSER. My wife likes to repeat Kyra Sedgwick's  trademark
"Thank you!"
One police detective pronounced some suspect "clean as a Safeway  chicken."

Fuhrman got no help from police
He and Fox crew found Montana crime scenes on their own, after  cops finished
_Taryn  Brodwater_
(http://www.spokesmanreview.com/news/bylines.asp?bylinename=Taryn Brodwater)
Staff writer
October 22, 2005

During the murder trial for O.J. Simpson in Los Angeles, Fuhrman was accused
of planting a bloody glove as evidence.
Fuhrman said that the North Idaho crime scenes had been processed and no law
enforcement were at the scene when he, a producer and a photographer found
their  own way to the Montana crime scenes.
"Nobody led us anywhere," Fuhrman said. "Nobody even told us anything."
Except for a couple of little red marker flags, Fuhrman said, the crime scene
 was "as clean as a Safeway chicken."
... for  Miss Levy's disappearance. He may indeed be, as we say in the trade,
as  clean as a Safeway chicken. An alternative  theory, just ...
(http://groups.google.com/group/alt.law-enforcement?lnk=sg&hl=en)  -  Jul 12 2001, 11:15 am by Andy Katz - 6 messages - 2 authors
_The Ringside Insider 78 - Part Four_
... Grade this week: B+ Quotes of the week: "He  looks as clean as a Safeway
chicken"  -
Dusty Rodes on Hogan s bald head "Get that Ben Franklin back in the ring  and
(http://groups.google.com/group/rec.sport.pro-wrestling?lnk=sg&hl=en)  - Oct 30 1996, 4:21 pm by Ross Marshall - 1 message -  1

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