"fact" = notion or idea that has not been established as a fact or is not a fact

Michael McKernan mckernan at LOCALNET.COM
Mon May 1 00:10:54 UTC 2006

Jonathan Lighter wrote:

>Though I understand idea that Durkheim was addressing, the term "social
>fact" remains ill-chosen, especially in contexts such as this.  "War
>explodes" is hardly a "social fact."

>  I don't know of any sociocultural group, as defined by additional shared
>markers, that believes as fact that "Wars explode."

I agree.  What is the significance of 'wars explode,' anyway?  Seems like
it must mean something special to Nordstrom, which she does not explain in
this poorly-worded sentence.

My post was responding to the (posted) notion that 'social fact' = 'social

Michael McKernan

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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