"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" (J. William Fulbright, 1966?)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Tue May 2 04:12:27 UTC 2006

It appears that the famous quote comes not from Thomas Jefferson, but in a  
paraphrase of what J. WIlliam Fulbright said in 1966 about the Vietnam War.  
Fulbright's comments were quite well-known.
Fred Shapiro absolutely should add this, if it's not too late.
_War  Critics Merit Respect--Fulbright_ 
Chicago Tribune  (1963-Current file). Chicago, Ill.: Apr 22, 1966. p. A14 (1  
Washington, April 21 (UPI)--Sen. J. William Fulbright (D., Ark.) warned  
today that America is "succumbing to the arrogance of power" and said those  
protesting the Viet Nam war "deserve our sympathy and respect."
The chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, a leading critic of  
American policy in Viet Nam, said the "most valuable public servant" is he who 
 is "willing to criticize as well as comply."
_An Act of Faith_
"In a democracy, dissent is an act of faith," Fulbright said. "Like  
medicine, the test of its value is not its taste but its effects, not how it  makes 
people feel at the moment, but how it inspires them to act thereafter. ...  
Criticism, in short, is more than a right; it is an act of patriotism, a higher  
form of patriotism, I believe, than the familiar rituals of national  
Fulbright said his question was "whether America can overcome the fatal  
arrogance of power" that has at times destroyed great nations.
"Gradually but unmistakably," he said, "we are succumbing to the arrogance  
of power...The measure of our falling short is the measure of the patriot's 
duty  of dissent."
_PAPERBACKS;  More than meets the eye _ 
CLARENCE PETERSEN.  Chicago Tribune (1963-Current file). Chicago, Ill.: May  
30, 1971. p. I9 (1 page) :
_Against the Grain_, edited by Frederick C. Giffin and Ronald D. Smith  
(Mentor, $1.50), is a chronological sampling of dissent from Gaius Gracchus, who  
defied the rules of ancient Rome, to J. William Fulbright, who in 1966 spoke of 
 dissent as a "higher form of patriotism."
_Patriot  Critics_ 
PAUL WHITELEY. New  York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Apr 15, 
1986. p. A30 (1  page) 
I agree with a statement made in 1966 by former Senator F. William  Fulbright 
of Arkansas. He said, "To criticize one's country is to do it a  service. ... 
Criticism, in short, is more than a right; it is an act of  patriotism--a 
higher form of patriotism, I believe, than the familiar rituals  and national 
_The Movement and the Sixties - Page 165_ 
by Terry H Anderson -  1996 - 544 pages
Senator William Fulbright  stated that dissent “is more than a right; it is an
act of patriotism,  a higher form of patriotism,” and the New York Times was  
_Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right & Right Is  Wrong - Page 2_ 
by Alan  Colmes - Humor -  2004 - 352 pages
... ,  “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” Conservatives love to  
our forefathers to argue that they are the natural progenitors of the  ...
Pg. 2: As Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of  

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