Popo (police)
Jonathan Lighter
wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Sun Oct 15 15:09:38 UTC 2006
HDAS III will offer 1994. Wherever it originated, my students were reporting it as common by 1997.
I like the "PO" suggestion.
That and the fact that "popo" also means backside.
Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Bapopik at AOL.COM
Subject: Popo (police)
I don't know what HDAS or OED has for "popo." A cite below says this comes =20
from Texas slang, but I think California is more likely.
_http://www.rapdict.org/Po-po_ (http://www.rapdict.org/Po-po)=20
po-po =20
The police. "Anybody seen the po-po's, let 'em know" -- "Anybody Seen The =20
Popo's," Ice Cube =20
POPO (javascript:void(0)) 364 up, 31 down (javascript:void(0)) =20=
A Police officer. especially the ones that rides on bikes.
Orgin: California late 80's
police officers that patrols certain beaches on bikes wore a vest that said=
PO in huge blockletters on each of their chest. which means Police Officer.=
they usually ride around in group of two's.
when you see them coming by. you see the word "PO" "PO" when they stand nex=
to each other.=20
Man.. here comes the PoPo to tell us what to do again.=20
by _Lec2_ (http://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=3DLec2) Feb 9,=20=
2003 _email it_ (javascript:void(0))=20
_Ethics in Crime and Justice: Dilemmas and Decisions - Page 133_=20
by Joycelyn M Pollock - Law - 2003 - 440 pages
The POPO (=E2=80=9Cpissing offa police officer=E2=80=9D) doctrine that desc=
ribes how=20
affronts to =20
police authority often end in unethical uses of force; . ...
_Many of Our Black Athletes Are Going Backwards; Not Forward_=20
BlackAthlete.net - Sep 29,
... Now there is nothing wrong with hanging out with teammates but this=20
police blotter syndrome ... Let me just say that if the Dallas PoPo had ask=
ed me=20
questions that ...=20
_Ticket?! WHAT?!_=20
(http://lejolilapin.blogspot.com/2006/09/ticket-what_12.html) 12 Sep 20=
06 by Vicki =20
And I see this popo (Texas slang for police) sittin' on the inside of a =20
So I thought "crap!" and I looked down at my speedometer and thought=20
Because, I was doing about 60 in a 45. I was about to put my foot on the=20
brake ...
_Bloggin' - http://lejolilapin.blogspot.com_=20
_I Hate Cops_=20
8&blogID=3D180024225) 16 hours ago=20
Our law enforcement, better known as the police/cops/popo, are generally=20
Actually, I like to think of them as the local gestapo. I've met more of=20
than I would've lik...
_My Blog - http://blog.myspace.com/30980978_=20
_THE "POPO" GOT US._ (http://cadarlo.livejournal.com/8777.html) 8 Oct=20
2006 by Arissa =20
... the neighborhood and we got pulled over by the po-po in front of the=20
... The police pulled us over because someone called them on us for playing=
So he made me sit there in the backseat of the police car for 20 minutes, =20
_Bonzo Goes to Bitburg - http://cadarlo.livejournal.com/_=20
The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
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