Atole / Champurrado / Salep
Benjamin Barrett
gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Tue Dec 4 02:15:05 UTC 2007
I didn't find these in the ADS archives and thought they might be of
interest. I have to go on a hunting trip to find mixes and the raw
ingredients for these drinks.
It sounds like they are somewhere between a hot chocolate and a more
starchy consistency.
As per Wikipedia (, atole (Mex. Sp.
from from Nahuatl atolli also known as atol) is made from "masa (corn
meal), water, piloncillo, cinnamon, vanilla and optional chocolate or
fruit". Champurrado
( has chocolate
in it. Not sure if there's a difference between atole with chocolate and
A 31-year-old friend of mine from San Diego describes having this as a
child. He knew it as sachlab as his mother was raised in the Middle East
and/or Egypt. He recalls eating it with a spoon.
Sachlab seems to be a variant of "salep/saleb", defined at as "Salep \Sal"ep\ (s[a^]l"[e^]p), n. [Ar.
sahleb, perhaps a corruption of an Arabic word for fox, one Ar. name of
the orchis signifying literally, fox's testicles: cf. F. salep.]
[Written also saleb, salop, and saloop.] The dried tubers of various
species of Orchis, and Eulophia. It is used to make a nutritious
beverage by treating the powdered preparation with hot water.
It is also defined similarly at
it's given as a Turkish winter drink spelled "sahlep".
Benjamin Barrett
a cyberbreath for language life
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