Fred's further antedating eggnog to 1788 March

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Thu Dec 27 04:28:45 UTC 2007

At 12/26/2007 10:12 PM, Shapiro, Fred wrote:
>More on "eggnog":  Isn't this slightly earlier than Joel's earliest
>citation from America's Historical Newspapers?
>1788 _New-Jersey Journal_  26 Mar. 2 (America's Historical
>Newspapers)   A young man with a cormerant appetite , voraciously
>devoured, last week, at Connecticut farms, thirty raw eggs, a glass
>of egg nog, and another of brandy sling.

Yes, it's 6 months earlier.  The locator is page 2, col. 3; the
dateline "Elizabeth-Town, March 26."

I am puzzled why I can find this now, but didn't previously.  It
shows up searching not only with "egg nog" but also with the
"egg-nog" (that is, hyphenated) that my original submission claimed I
had tried.  My only supposition is that I meant to try "egg-nog", but
forgot when I found 13 citations for "eggnog"!  (In any case, Fred's
is the only instance of "egg nog" or "egg-nog" that I find before 1800.)


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