"Ice cream" from 1735?

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Jan 2 14:11:47 UTC 2007

Charlie, I generally *drive* to the library.  I find I can convey more books inside the car than on the back of my quadruped.

  But you do present a quaint and interesting picture of the pre-automotive scholar.


Charles Doyle <cdoyle at UGA.EDU> wrote:
  ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Charles Doyle
Subject: Re: "Ice cream" from 1735?

One hauls one's ass to that old edifice the library, then sneezes one's way through brittle pages of mildewy print . . . .


---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2007 22:02:23 -0500
>From: "Joel S. Berson"
>Subject: "Ice cream" from 1735?
>How does one determine what issue the Google Books hit is from?

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