Google Books [was: "Ice cream" from 1735?]

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Jan 2 16:29:24 UTC 2007

Google Books used to explain that its purpose was less to help you find infiormation than to lead you to books you would be eager to buy from participating sellers.  This frank admission seems to have been dropped, or rephrased in a more soothing manner.  One sentence even attempted to promote the ensuing difficulties as some kind of bonus: research, "but with a Google twist !"

  That sentence has also been dropped, the responsible spin-doctor destined (one hopes) for a special griddle in Hell.


"Joel S. Berson" <Berson at ATT.NET> wrote:
  ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: "Joel S. Berson"
Subject: Google Books [was: "Ice cream" from 1735?]

Good heavens! Have there been any authoritative complaints? Or very
public negative publicity? ((and I don't mean Internet blogs,
I mean the NYTimes or Wall Street Journal, or the major cooperating
universities.) Even with false positives and false negatives from
Early American Newspapers, one can determine the issue (not simply
the page number in some unknown year!)


At 1/2/2007 09:02 AM, you wrote:
>One can't. Or I can't.
> JL
>"Joel S. Berson" wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
>Sender: American Dialect Society
>Poster: "Joel S. Berson"
>Subject: "Ice cream" from 1735?
>Google Books, at
>returns a quotation for "ice cream" from London Magazine: Or,
>Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, page 367, and describes it as
>"Published 1735".
>Do I remember correctly that Google Books tells us the date the
>journal was first published, so that this may not be an antedating of
>OED2's 1744? (The illustration of the cover page is "Vol. XIV"; I am
>not able quickly to say what year that may be.)
>How does one determine what issue the Google Books hit is from?
>The American Dialect Society -
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