Any NYC radio personalities out there?

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Jan 17 15:09:22 UTC 2007

At 6:01 AM -0700 1/17/07, Malcah Yaeger-Dror wrote:
>Greg Guy is good at that sort of thing, and is at NYU; if you like i
>can get his cell phone number . i don't know if he's teaching then ,
>or what. also, if you want someone who is really used to interviews,
>then Geoffrey Nunberg works for the NYT and started out working on
>dialects...however, i think NPR talks to him in San Francisco, not NY.
>or there's a guy at nyu whose name i can't recall, who did a whole
>book on shrubbie's linguistic quirks...ah, but not those Jeff has
>referred to as his 'faux bubba' routine, so you wouldn't want him
>all in all, i think Greg Guy is your man. he can be reached at nyu, or
>ask me for his cell.

Yes, I thought of Geoff, who used to be in NYC but is at Berkeley now
(living in SF).  Grant Barrett mentioned Greg Guy and John Singler
from NYU, and by then Jesse Sheidlower had volunteered (as well as
Grant).  I've passed on that information to Doug Honorof and he can
decide where to go from here (quickly!).

Thanks, Malcah.


>On 1/16/07, Laurence Horn <laurence.horn at> wrote:
>>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>>Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>>Poster:       Laurence Horn <laurence.horn at YALE.EDU>
>>Subject:      Any NYC radio personalities out there?
>>A former student will be doing a radio interview in New York City
>>this Friday on dialects, their origin, and their distribution and
>>would like to be joined by someone who's knowledgable in this area,
>>especially someone with experience doing radio interviews.  I can
>>think of a number of the usual suspects, but they're not in the New
>>York area.  (I'm tied up on Friday myself, so I had to beg off.)  Is
>>there someone who wants to recommend himself or herself or someone
>>else on or off the list who might be an appropriate choice for this
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