Spears (1/28)

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Sat Jan 20 23:29:26 UTC 2007

Astoundingly, IMO, Spears has the term _do-funny_ n. However, the
definitions that he supplies - a gadget, the penis - are wholly new to
me. The only meaning that I have for this term is "gay male."

Surprisingly, but not so astoundingly, Spears also has the term
_cock-block_ v. Here, his definition - to interfere with a  man's
sexual activity with a woman - IMO, overshoots  the mark. For me, the
definition is, rather, "to interfere with another man's attempts to
seduce a woman, especially if done merely for the sport of it": "My
game is tighter than yours and I don't even want her." [Reminder: in
BE, "cock" refers to the *female* genitalia and *not* to the male.
Hence, we say, e.g. "dick-tease" and not "cock-tease."]

Of course, it's not fair to look at it that way. A man who has no
interest in the outcome is naturally going to display more
savoir-faire than a man who's really trying to get over.

Spears lacks _break [one's] rap_ v, which has the same meaning as
_cock-block_. Oddly enough, this term  is the onlly one of the three
that I've seen in print. It appeared in Sports Illustrated in the

But he does have "round-pound," used in (Saint Louis) BE in place of

All say, "How hard it is that we have to die"---a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
-Sam'l Clemens

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