"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep...discussing lunch" (Ben Franklin?)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Wed Jan 24 19:34:23 UTC 2007

DEMOCRACY IS TWO WOLVES--110,000 Google hits
WELL-ARMED LAMB--92,300 Google hits
WELL-ARMED SHEEP--19,400 Google hits
Did Benjamin Franklin say this? It's not in the Yale Book of  
Quotations--maybe next time? Or does this come from the 1990s??

January 24, 2007 -- Democracy has been defined as two wolves and a sheep  
discussing plans for lunch. 
_Democracy: Three wolves and a sheep voting on  what's for lunch._ 
The International Black Sheep Society WWW site  lets you post information on 
the Black Sheep in your family while  reading about the ones in other 
families. ...
extlab1.entnem.ufl.edu/ih8pcs/vol5/v5n26.htm -  28k - _Cached_ 
tm+lunch+wolves+sheep+democracy&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=1&ie=UTF-8)  - 
_Similar pages_ 

_www.letsrollforums.com :: View topic - 911 Documentaries Free  ..._ 
The Definition of Democracy is two wolves  and a sheep voting on what they 
are going to have for lunch.  America is a Representative Republic, ...
www.letsrollforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=130893 - 37k -  _Cached_ 
F-8)  - _Similar pages_ 

_The  Three Rivers Post & Standard » Elderly Vote to Stick Others  ..._ 
That is the uncouth nature of pure democracy,  where the proverbial four 
wolves (the majority of voters) and a  sheep (the minority of voters) get to vote 
on ...
www.threeriverspost.com/2006/03/28/195 - 31k -  _Cached_ 
ves+sheep+democracy&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=3&ie=UTF-8)  - _Similar pages_ 

_QI Talk Forum | View topic - Democracy_ 
"A democracy is a sheep and two  wolves deciding on what to have for lunch. 
Freedom is a well  armed sheep contesting the results of the decision."  ...
c5ec  - 46k - _Cached_ 
+lunch+wolves+sheep+democracy&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=4&ie=UTF-8)  - _Similar 
_Of Thee I Speak: A Collection of Patriotic Quotes,  Essays, and Speeches - 
Page 34_ 
by Steven (COM) Fantina - Reference - 2006 -  240 pages
—Charles Carroll Democracy is ...  wolves and a lamb voting on what to have 
lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!  ...
<NOBR>Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what  to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the  
<NOBR>--Benjamin Fr
_Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right &  Right Is Wrong - Page 306_ 
by Alan Colmes - 2003 - 352  pages
As Benjamin Franklin said, “Democracy is two  wolves and a lamb voting on 
what to 
have for  lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!  ...

_Gorgeous Robot Flesh - Page 116_ 
by Jonathon Barbera  - 2004 - 196 pages
Now there was a quote attributed  to Benjamin Franklin on the subject of 
involving two on three wolves and a lamb voting on  what to have for lunch,  

_The Diluted Church: Calling Believers to Live Out of  Their True Heritage - 
Page 99_ 
by Timothy L. Price - 2005 - 276  pages
He wrote, “Democracy is two wolves  and a lamb voting on what to have for 
Jesus faced the  same seductive temptation when He was fasting in the  ...
_The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland: peace  lectures from the 
Institute of Irish Studies at... - Page  42_ 
by  Marianne ( Elliott - 2001 - 266 pages
In this sense,  democracy is not about how three wolves and a sheep  vote 
... up for lunch, but, as Isaiah Berlin puts  it, how the freedom of the 
wolves  ...
_Ecology, Engineering, and Management: reconciling  ecosystem rehabilitation 
and service reliability - Page 89_ 
by Michel J. G. Van Eeten,  Emery Roe - 2002 - 270 pages
... in a  democracy has been likened to asking a pack of four hungry  wolves 
and a 
sheep to apply democratic principles to  deciding what to eat for lunch.  ...
    *   Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.  
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.  
    *   Widely attributed to Franklin on the internet, sometimes without the  
second sentence, it is not found in any of his known writings, and the word  
"lunch" is not known to have appeared anywhere in english literature until  
the 1820s, decades after his death. The phrasing itself has a very modern  tone 
and the second sentence especially might not even be as old as the  internet. 
Some of these observations are made in response to a query at _Google Answers_ 
(http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=389308) .
A far rarer but somewhat more  credible variation also occurs: "Democracy is 
two wolves and a lamb voting  on what to have for dinner." Web searches on 
these lines uncovers the  earliest definite citations for such a statement credit 
libertarian  author _James Bovard_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Bovard)  with a  similar one in the _Sacramento  Bee (1994)_ 
(http://www.giraffe.com/gr_wolves.html) : 

"Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting  on what 
to have for dinner." 

This statement also definitely occurs in the "Conclusion" (p. 333) of his  
book Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty (1994) _ISBN 0312123337_ 
_Electoral College_ 
84c6ab91c34c?lnk=st&q="democracy+is+two+wolves"&rnum=133&hl=en#164e84c6ab91c34c)     Group: _misc.misc_ 
... some might say that's a good thing. the founding fathers  had a good 
reason for
making this a republic instead of a democracy. as  the saying goes, "Democracy
is two wolves  and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner". ... 
Feb 26 1993 by Derek Reisinger - 74 messages - 43  authors 

_Shared sacrifice = TAXES! TAXES! TAXES!_ 
st&q="democracy+is+two+wolves"&rnum=134&hl=en#dd70755b35cc9908)     Group: 
... John Moore NJ7E, 7525 Clearwater Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ  85253 
j... at anasazi.com ncar!noao!asuvax!anasaz!john  anasaz!j... at asuvax.eas.asu.edu 
Democracy is two  wolves and a sheep using majority vote to decide what - - 
to have  ... 
Feb 20 1993 by John R. Moore -  311 messages - 89 authors 

_GayBashing question_ 
=135&hl=en#69eb969165c16683)       Group: _alt.sex_ 
... but it is all too easy to impugn a racial motive, -- John  Moore NJ7E, 
7525 Clearwater
Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85253 (602-951-9326)  j... at anasazi.com 
john  anasaz!j... at asuvax.eas.asu.edu - Democracy is two  wolves and a ... 
Jan 15  1993 by John R. Moore - 103 messages - 42 authors 
_problems with RTF_ 
um=151&hl=en#d75cc929e90edbd3)       Group: _bit.listserv.pmail_ 
... Garrett Michael Hayes gha... at mindspring.com *  Democracy is two wolves 
and a sheep
voting on what to have for  dinner. Liberty is two wolves attempting to have 
a sheep
for  dinner and finding a well-informed, well-armed  sheep. 
May 2 1997 by Garrett  Michael Hayes 
_rhide and Windows95_ 
rnum=44&hl=en#ebc26da3f75fbd35)       Group: _comp.os.msdos.djgpp_ 
(http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.msdos.djgpp?lnk=sg&hl=en)      ... (FILENAME and 
PATH are shown as an  example...the case is the significance) What
now? Dave D.  Dave Dawson Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on  lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb  denying enforcement of the vote. 
Jun 11 1997 by Selfgovern - 8 messages - 7  authors  

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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