Double eggcorn

Chris F Waigl chris at LASCRIBE.NET
Wed Jun 6 02:09:14 UTC 2007

Enid Pearsons wrote:
> Googling for information about installing two operating systems on my computer
> and dual booting, I came across this on a computer forum:
> "I've been told its possible to install XP on the same logical drive as Vista
> but its not advised so I am not going to attempt faith."
> (We can ignore the "its" problem for now.)  "Attempt faith" in Google appears
> to occur in religious contexts or comments about Faith Hill, so this may be
> unique.  I checked the eggcorn database and did not find this.
> Enid
The fate>faith part is particularly interesting. Indeed not easy to
Google, as the word "faith" appears to attract creative use of language.
But with the switches -Christian and -Kao (the author of a book entitled
"Tempting Faith", which seems to be about the current US government)
there are a few more, like: "I didn't tempt faith trying to see how much
further I could go before the car actually stops."

I've put it on my list and will mull it over.

Chris Waigl

P.S.: I'd recommend separate partitions and a good boot loader. If one
of the OSs is Vista, you'll have to be be careful about choosing a
repartitioning tool.


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