Iss a faw in lang witch
Wilson Gray
hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 6 06:24:10 UTC 2007
While browsing through the blues in the iTunes store, I came across
the title, _I Falls_. "I Falls"?! This caught my attention and I
decided to listen to the sample. The song has a refrain that begins:
"When night falls, I feel lonesome ..."
Whichever producer it was that decided what title to give the record
obviously heard this as:
"When I falls, I feel lonesome ... "
In context, this makes no sense at all, but, hell, you know how the
colored are. Half the time, you can't tell what they're babbling
about, anyway. Like that Rodney King fellah. Funny thing, though:
understanding hiphop and rap songs is trivial.
'Scuse me while I kiiss this guy.
All say, "How hard it is that we have to die"---a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
-Sam'l Clemens
The American Dialect Society -
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