Plug Ugly (1856)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Thu Jun 28 22:45:55 UTC 2007

FYI, America's Historical Newspapers (GenealogyBank) has the Baltimore Sun
from 1848-1901.
8 March 1856, Baltimore Sun, pg. 1:
His father kept a tavern on the road; was for the bar on the 20th of
November last, attending there; when Patterson came into the door he said "oh  you
plug uglys;"...
7 July 1856, Baltimore Sun, pg. 1:
Another fight in which pletals (?--ed.), bricks, &c., were freely used,  took
place on Saturday morning last, at the corner of Sutaw and Mulberry  streets,
between a party hailing as "Plug Uglies," and a party rallying under  the cry
of "O, you New Market."

plug-ugly, n. and adj.

slang (orig. and chiefly U.S.).
[< a first element of uncertain origin (see note below) + _UGLY_
ntrol_no=50181865&result_place=2&xrefword=ugly&ps=n.)  n.
The first element has  variously been suggested to be _PLUG_
l_no=50181865&result_place=2&xrefword=plug&ps=n.)  n. 3 (arising from
competing Baltimore firefighter companies who  became combative around fire-plugs),
Ubp-13ansa-8604&control_no=50181865&result_place=2&xrefword=plug&ps=n.)  n. 7
or _PLUG_
v. 4b (with reference to such people being ugly because they had  been
(frequently) punched in the face), and _PLUG_
lace=2&xrefword=plug&ps=n.)  n. 10 (with reference to the plug hats (cf. plug
hat n. at _PLUG_
s=n.)  n. Compounds 2) worn by members of the gang to protect them from
opponents), but none of these suggestions appears to be supported by any

A.  n.
1.  Originally (chiefly with capital initials): a member of a gang of
ruffians in  Baltimore and some other American cities (now hist.). In later use more
generally: a thug, a rowdy.
1856  Butte Rec. (Oroville,  Calif.) 29 Nov. 3/7  The..Plug Uglies..went to
Philadelphia on election fight  off and whip the democracy from the

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